chapter six: unexpected

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"its just a sprain it'll heal quickly", she assured while she wrapped the brace on my hand

"thanks", I said then we both heard a crash

"what was that?"

"I don't know come on", I said then we left the room and ran downstairs

when I got there april was on the couch looking frightened as was phil.I looked to where they were staring at.and I saw steve o and bam fighting eachother.not like play fight that they usaully was real.ryan was trying to pry steve o off of him and johnny was also helping.

"guys let them have their moment", april said then they pulled back

once they did so bam punched enough for him to get off of him.once he was off of him he stood up and started to walk towards him.I ran up to bam pushing him back as johnny and ryan to do the same to steve o.

"bam calm down please", I pled

"what the fuck is wrong with you!!!", he asked loudly

"I love her", he said back

"she's my wife", he reminded

"bam please"

"bella,tell me what happened to your hand the truth", he commanded

"its nothing", I said uneasily

"bella", he warned

"I punched steve o because he kissed me", I said fast

"are you fucking kidding me", he said while looking at him

"bam stop please", I asked while pushing him back

"johnny get him out of here", lisa said


"bam come and sit down", she said

then it all came so fast.bam ran outside with fire in his eyes.and we all quickly followed.

"if you ever do that shit again", he said

"you can't change the way I feel about her", he reminded

"you had no right to do that!!she's my wife.and she's pregnant you also had no goddamn right to but stress on her", he growled and pointed at me

"how do you know if its yours", he said

"excuse me?", I said angrily

"who the hell do you think you are?!?!"

"bam I di-"

then my vision became black..I opened my eyes to find myself in my bed with lisa stroking my back.

"what happened?", I asked

"you fainted", she answered

"after I fainted"

"bam and steve started to fight again but even worst.april called the police and they took both of them", she explained

"what is he alright?", I asked while sitting up

"he should be.they both had cuts and bruises"

"take me to the station", I ordered

"no,you fainted you need to rest", she objected

"I need to be with my husband now take me there now", I demanded

she sighed.then we left the house and she drove us to the station.

"I'll be back", I assured

"yeah", she sighed

I got out the car and went inside the station.I walked in and went up to the desk and there was no one I waited I looked around then as I looked around I saw bam who was sitting at a table with a cup that was steamy and a man who was talking to him.I just walked to the back

"bam!", I called and he looked

"bella",he said while standing up and walking to me

I hugged him tightly then I looked at his face."oh my gosh", I said while examining his face

lisa wasn't kidding.he had a cut on his lip and eyebrow,a bruise on his cheek,another cut on his cheek.

"I'm fine", he assured

"I hope so when are they releasing you?", I asked

"after I'm finished getting questioned", he said while motioning to the man sitting down

"when will that be finished?", I asked

"I don't know...who brought you here?", he asked

"excuse me miss this is a closed area", a officer said

"lisa did"I said while ignoring the officer

"ok park infront of the door I'll be out in a few", he assured


"hold on", I snapped"do you want anything?", I asked

"I just want you to relax because your stressing yourself out and also amelia ok just wait in the car", he assured

"ok,I love you", I said

"miss", the officer said impactiently

"hold on ok", he snapped then looked back at me."I love you too",he said

"miss you need to leave this area", he said

"ok!!,bam I'll see you in the car", I said

"ok", he said as he sat down

"you can escort me now mr.officer", I said sarcasticly

"let's go", he said while leading me out

"um what's going to happen about the other guy?", I asked

"he's going to stay the night then he can leave tomorrow",he informed

"oh um thanks for the info", I said then turned to leave

I left and walked to the car as I was walking amelia was kicking violently which was starting to hurt.I got in the car and sat down in the front.

"so what's going on in there?",she asked

"bam is being question right now and they're keeping steveo for the night", I informed


"can you go to the door so we can pick bam up then drop us off then you can go home?", I asked

"sure I already informed luke that ill come home late", she assured

she drove to the front door and we waited.about a half hour went by and he finally came out.he got into the backseat and didn't say a was a quiet ride to the house once we were there lisa went home.bam and I walked up the stairs to our room without saying a word to dunn and an awake novak.

"you ok?", I asked

"yeah I'm fine", he assured while taking his shirt off

"are you sure?", I asked then started to put on my pj's


"ok", I said while getting in the bed

he went into the bathroom and I heard the shower running.I dozed off into my sleep land.then I felt movement in the bed and was embraced by strong arms

"I love you", he whispered

"I love you too"

then we went to sleep soundly

a/n: please comment!! thanks.

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