Chapter 6

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A/N Yo, sup friends? Stuff happens this chapter! Isn't that great? Like, actual, important to the story stuff! Yay!!!

Rosaline is still asleep when Lucifer wakes up. His muscles are stiff and he wishes he could stretch them, but he doesn't want to wake Rosaline. He remains still, looking around at the silent forest. This is what the humans live in? Lucifer loves Heaven, but this place is gorgeous. The beauty of his home can never compete with the world the humans inhabit.
Lucifer looks down at Rosaline. She's curled up in a ball facing away from him, her hands over his. Her hair is still neat from lying on it all night instead of rolling around, though there is dirt visible near the ends which aren't over his arm. Her chest rises and falls slowly, and Lucifer watches her with all of her humanity for a while.
"Mmnn," she murmurs, starting to wake up. She rolls over to look at Lucifer, their faces only inches apart. She opens her eyes, and Lucifer is struck by how beautiful they are. A perfect shade of blue, he notices. "Good morning," she mutters, dropping the ends of her woods because she is still so tired.
"Good morning," Lucifer replies, lips twisted in an involuntary grin. "Did you sleep well?"
"Mm-hm," she answers. "You?"
"Yes," he says honestly. He did sleep well last night, which is strange, seeing as the ground was so much less comfortable than the house he slept in the previous night, where he slept so little.
"We should get up," Rosaline says finally.
"I suppose you're right," he admits sadly.
"I'm hungry," Rosaline says as they resume their hunt for the missing grace. "I haven't eaten in a day."
Oh, that's why Lucifer feels like this! "Okay, um... If you see any food, let's get it?
"Okay," she agrees. "Are we likely to find any food?"
Lucifer shrugs. "No clue. But when we find what I'm looking for, I promise you'll get something to eat." He can make her food when he finds his grace. It's the least he can do, right?
"You seem to think this thing can do anything," Rosaline notes.
"It can."
"What do you mean?" she asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"You'll see."
Rosaline gives him a confused look, but doesn't question him. Lucifer is well past the point of understanding anyway.

"What's that?" Rosaline asks, pointing ahead. They had been walking for hours, chatting the whole time, until suddenly, the trees in the distance disappear. How did that happen? Are they out of the woods yet? The ground seems to disappear as well, though. What is going on?
"Good question," Lucifer says. He puts his arm out slightly, holding her back in case there is something bad out there. He isn't sure why he tries to protect her like that; it just happens.
When he steps up to the last trees, he notices that there is a large open field laying lower than the rest of the forest. In the center of it is a tree, taller than all those in the surrounding forest. Lucifer knows immediately that this is where his grace landed. Only something that powerful and traveling that fast could have left such a large indent on the planet. Plus, he can feel the power it gives off. As soon as he steps to the edge of the shallow crater, he feels it hit him like a wall. It's his power, his grace, and it's about time he reclaims it.
Lucifer hurries down the slope, Rosaline close behind, and runs up to the tree. There is a blue substance floating around it, and Lucifer identifies it immediately as the object of his quest. His mouth involuntarily opens slightly as the grace returns itself to its rightful owner at last.
Immediately he feels the power flowing through him, pumping through his veins. He grins, welcoming the return of his grace with open arms. This is what he's been waiting for. The last days have been agonizing without it; he felt so ordinary, so human. He doesn't need to worry about that anymore, though. He's back to his former glory, and now he can do whatever he wants, and no one can stop him.
Lucifer laughs to himself as ground around him catches fire-his fire. Oh, the damage he can cause with that... "Oh, how I've missed this," he mutters to himself, the shadow of his wings stretching out to reveal themselves on the wall of fire behind him. He's missed the feel of his wings like this. He hasn't been able to stretch them fully in days.
A bolt of lightning strikes the tree behind him, and it begins to burn immediately-a fire so hot, it's blue. It's Lucifer's fire; it's his lightning. It's his world now, and he can do to it as he pleases.
Lucifer notices Rosaline standing far away from him, staring in both awe and fear. Lucifer grins. This is what he has been waiting for. It's time to show the humans who's the boss around here.
"W-What?" Rosaline stammers. If Lucifer hadn't been an angel, he wouldn't have heard her at all. "Wh-what's going on?"
Lucifer looks down at her, satisfied with how the day is going. He's back to being who he is and always has been, and he's ready to complete his mission.
"I am Lucifer," he says. "And I am an angel of the lord."

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