Chapter 16

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"Jess," Sam breathes. She's dead. She died in a fire. Sam watched her burn. How is she back? And why is she with Lucifer?
Lucifer looks between the two for a second before looking back at Rosaline. "Hold on, baby. I'll finish this quick, and it will be over. Okay?" She nods, trusting him. He turns to Sam. "Sam, that's not Jess. I know, she looks like Jess, but she's not your girlfriend."
"What's she doing here?" Sam asks, choking back tears. He had thought he'd gotten over his ex, but seeing her again makes him realize he hadn't.
"I brought someone back from Purgatory, and I needed a vessel, so I remade one," Lucifer tells him. "I guess I didn't really think this through, huh?"
Sam looks at the body of Jess longingly, remembering all the fun they had had back at Stanford. Why? Why, out of anyone Lucifer could have used as that demon's vessel, did he pick her?
"Okay, Sam, would this make you feel better?" Lucifer snaps his fingers, and Rosaline's old body appears. He was too weak to make it earlier, as making it from scratch is muck harder than taking the remains and piecing them together. The black smoke that makes up Rosaline leaves Jess and flows into the new body, and and Jess disappears. "Alright, now, where were we?"
"What did you just do?" Sam asks, clearly holding back tears.
"I just switched her vessel, no big deal," Lucifer says. "Would you rather I leave her in your precious Jess?"
"Where is Jess?" Sam asks.
"The real Jess? Heaven," Lucifer informs him. "Same place she's been for the last five years. If it makes you feel any better, her Heaven is full of memories of you."
Sam nods once, trying to hide his weakness. He misses her. Just seeing her again was enough to break him. Even if she was never really there, Sam saw her.
Suddenly, Lucifer's hand shoots out and grabs Castiel's angel blade as it soars towards him. Lucifer rolls his eyes and looks at the angel, still pinned to the tree. "Fine!" he says, annoyed. "You can go fix your boyfriend!"
Castiel breaks free and runs towards Dean, who's lying on the ground, passed out. He places two fingers on Dean's forehead, and suddenly Dean's eyes open and his arm returns to a normal position. He sits up, looking around. He seems confused until his eyes land on Lucifer. He stands up and attempts to run at him, but then freezes in place.
"Guys, can you please stop trying to kill me now!?" Lucifer shouts, more annoyed than anything. He looks back at Sam. "Alright, say 'yes' and we'll leave you guys alone. As long as everyone else stays away from us, no one will get hurt. Except maybe my dad. I haven't decided on that one yet."
Sam's silent, and Dean looks at him in awe, reading his expression clearly.
"Sam! You can't-" Suddenly, he's silenced. Lucifer just rolls his eyes. "Alright, Sam. Let's go. I don't have all day. Well, I do, but still."
"Okay, then y-Wait," Sam interrupts himself. "Why don't you just make another me vessel, so I can be me, and you can be another me? That way everyone wins!"
Lucifer nods thoughtfully. "Huh. I never thought about that. Thanks, Sammy." He ignores the look he gets for calling him Dean's nickname-he's gotten it every time and he doesn't really care. He snaps his fingers, and a new Sam appears, lying on the ground. Everyone shields their eyes from the bright burst of light as he enters the lifeless Sam.
"W-what's going on?" Nick asks, lying on the ground. Sam hadn't noticed Lucifer heal all his wounds.
"Relax, Nick," Lucifer says. "I'll get you home." He glances at Rosaline. "I'll be right back," he promises before teleporting away. He returns a few seconds later alone. "I wiped his memory. He won't remember a thing."
Dean looks between Sam and Lucifer. "Alright, this is really confusing me right now."
"And it's kind of freaking me out," Sam adds.
Lucifer rolls his eyes again before snapping his fingers. Suddenly, he looks completely different. Somehow, they can all still tell he's Sam, but he looks nothing like present day Sam. It actually kind of scares Sam that he's capable of looking this different than he does.
"Better?" Lucifer asks, not really caring about the answer. "Alright, thanks guys. Nice seeing you. Stay classy, Cassy. See ya later. Only not." He grabs Rosaline's hand, ready to teleport away, when another voice stops him.
"Lucifer!" A man's voice roars. Lucifer sighs and squeezes his girlfriend's hand reassuringly, turning to face the new arrival. Sam and Dean immediately recognize him as their half brother Adam. What's Adam doing here? He's not a hunter! He's not even alive!
"Heya, Michael. Nice to see you again," he says with no emotion. "How are you? Good? Good. Alright, nice chat. Bye!" Lucifer doesn't allow his brother to talk at all, and instead tries to leave once more.
"Lucifer, you cannot leave," Michael tells him as he approaches. "You are to stay here and we will fight. The winner takes all."
Lucifer prudes his lips. "Hmm, let me think about that. How about no!" He made it clear he wasn't considering it at all as he tries to drag Rosaline away, but he freezes. "Dammit Michael!" he shouts. "I don't want to fight you, and I'm the one that's been in Hell for a couple hundred billion years, so you don't have anything to fight me for! Alright? Just let me go, and I'll leave you alone, too."
Michael shakes his head slowly. "That's not going to happen, Lucifer."
Lucifer rolls his eyes. "Really? I beg to differ." He gives the hunters a wink and grabs Rosaline's hand once more before disappearing into the air. Michael disappears as well, and the hunters don't hear from the angels again.

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