Chapter 14

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A/N I'm just as clueless to where this is going as you are btw. I feel like I'm reading the script for an episode I haven't seen yet because I literally have no idea what is going to happen.

Castiel pops into Bobby's house that night as Bobby is reading through lore, looking for any talk on angels or vessels. He isn't sure quite what he's looking for, but at this point, anything counts. He doesn't notice Cas standing there until the angel says, "Hello."
Bobby's head snaps up. "Castiel? What are you doing here?"
Immediately, Dean is in the doorway to the room, standing by his friend's side.
"Hey, Cas," Dean greets him. "Any good news?"
"I found out who this Crowley is," Cas tells them as Sam joins the group. "He's a crossroads demon."
"And does he have the Colt?" Dean asks.
"I don't know," Castiel admits. "It would seem likely, as Chuck has yet to be wrong, but his house is warded against angels. I couldn't check."
"You found his house?" Sam says in surprise.
Castiel nods. "Yes. I couldn't go in, of course, but I know its location. It's at least a day's drive, but I could bring you if you wish to go."
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Dean asks. "Let's go."
Castiel teleports the Winchesters to a large house. Mansion seems to fit the home better, with its large size and expensive-looking exterior. They can only imagine what it looks like inside. The place is the American Dream, pretty much. Why would a demon be living here?
"This is as far as I can go," Castiel tells them.
Dean nods. "Thanks, Cas."
"Of course."
Sam and Dean approach the large metal gate that separates the outside from the demon's property. Sam pushes the button he assumes is a doorbell. Nothing happens for a minute until suddenly, a voice comes over the intercom.
"Yes, hello," Sam says. "We'd like to speak to Mr. Crowley?" Dean gives him a questioning look when he hears the use of the title, but doesn't say anything.
"Why do you wish to speak with him?"
"Let them in," a voice says faintly over the intercom. Clearly, it wasn't directed at them.
The original voice says "Yes, sir" quietly, as if far from the speaker. At a normal volume, he adds, "Come in."
The gate buzzes, and Sam reaches for the handle. It opens easily. The hunters share a suspicious look before going inside. When they enter the house, they are greeted by a man in a large, dark green chair, a cup of tea on the table next to him.
"May I help you?" he asks them. His voice is low and gravely, and it sounds British.
"Yes, we're looking for a man named Crowley?" Sam says.
The man in the chair opens his arms. "That's me."
Dean picks up the conversation by grabbing his demon-killing knife from his jacket. "Give us the Colt," he commands, his knife at the demon's throat.
Crowley looks unalarmed. "I can't give it to you if I'm dead," he calmly.
Dean pulls the knife away slowly, but doesn't drop his guard. "Where's the Colt?"
Crowley rolls his eyes and stands up. Dean follows him closely with his eyes, knife ready to attack at a moment's notice. Crowley must notice it, but he doesn't acknowledge it as he pulls a locked box from a shelf and opens it to reveal a gun. He removes the gun slowly and returns the box before turning back to the hunters.
"This one, I presume?" He walks towards them, holding the handle out to Dean.
"You're just going to give it to us?" Sam says incredulously.
"Sure, why not?"
Dean looks at him suspiciously for a few moments. Suddenly, he whips the gun from Crowley's hand, and as he aims it at the demon he cocks it and shoots. Nothing happens.
Crowley smirks, opening up his other hand. "I believe you need these, too." In the palm of his hand are the bullets that belong with the demon-killing weapon. When Dean reaches for them, Crowley closes his hand and pulls them away. "Not so fast."
"What do you want, Crowley?" Sam asks.
"What I want is simple," the man tells him. "I want the devil dead."
Dean raises an eyebrow. "And why is that?" he asks suspiciously. "You're a demon. Shouldn't you be all 'Team Lucifer' like the rest of them?"
"No, because I'm smarter than the rest of them." Crowley says it as though it's a fact, not like he's bragging. "Lucifer wants to destroy humanity, of course, and he will use demons to help him with that. But that's all he wants us for, so when he kills you all, he will turn on us."
"Okay, and what if we kill you anyway?" Sam asks.
Crowley shrugs. "You can't kill me now; I have something you need. I figure, if I can save my kind from the devil, they'll all owe me, and I'll have my own army to protect me from you hunters."
"You really think it will be that easy?"
"No, I know it will. The only thing that could go wrong here is that you two don't win, but I guess we'll just have to wait and find out, won't we?" Crowley holds out the bullets to Dean. "And promise me one thing."
Dean scoops the bullets out of Crowley's hand. "What would that be?"
"Don't. Miss."
Crowley disappears, and the Winchesters are left standing alone in the giant house. Dean gestures for Sam to follow him as they leave the demons behind and find the spot where Cas had left them, but he's not there.
Dean sighs. "Cas, we've still got to get back."
Suddenly, Castiel appears in front of them. "Sorry."
"It's fine, Cas. Just bring us back to Bobby's."
The angel does as he's told, and the three of them find Bobby sitting still sitting at his desk reading a book.
"Find him?" Bobby asks, leaning back in his chair as the boys enter.
Dean pulls out the Colt and places it on the desk. "Even better."
"That was fast," Bobby observes.
Sam nods. "Yeah. Didn't take much to get it from him. Basically handed it right over."
"Why did he do that?" Bobby asks.
"I guess we aren't the only ones who don't like Lucifer," Sam replies with a shrug.
"Still, he just gave you the Colt," Bobby says. "Doesn't that seem a bit strange, seeing how you could have killed him? Is it even the real Colt? Or did he just want to get you guys out of his way?"
The boys hadn't thought of that. They share a look, but Castiel answers.
"It's real," he assures them.
"Well, that's a nice change," Bobby says. "Something finally went right for us."
"Now what do we do?" Sam asks. "We have the Colt and we have the blade. All we need now is Lucifer and we should be all set, right?"
"Yeah, all we need to do is find the devil," Dean says. "That should be easy, especially because he doesn't want to be found in the first place!"
"It isn't necessarily that hard," Castiel says. "You said Sam was Lucifer's vessel, correct?" Dean nods. He had filled Cas in on the details earlier. "Then Lucifer will be looking for him. All we need to do it remove the warding and he will come."
Sam nods once, a determined look on his face. "Then do it," he demands. "Let's go find the devil."

Woah it's moving so fast waaaaahhhh!!! This was an entire season and it's only been a couple chapters what is happening?!?! I really didn't plan any of this out because I'm an idjit, so I figured I'd find a storyline that works and see where it leads me. I still don't know how I want to end it though :(

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