Chapter 35 - The American Dream. [Part 2.]

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Madilyn's parents arrived at Abel's house after Abel called for her to go home. As he kept them on the porch, her parents stormed out of the car, stomping towards her. Her mother snatched her by her wrist and grabbed her arm, smacking her in the face.

"How dare you disregard our commands and religious beliefs by cheating on your damn fiancé with a different boy!" Her mother scowled.

"She's engaged?" Abel growled as he stood up, giving them a confused and angry look.

"Yes." Her father said, folding his arms. "She's supposed to be getting married in a few months."

Abel gave Kayson a furious and confused look, then looked back at Madilyn's parents.

"Listen, it won't happen again." Abel nodded. "They're banned from seeing each other again."

"What?!" Kayson and Madilyn growled.

"She will NOT be coming over here and you will not be going over there anymore, Kayson!" Abel barked at him, startling him a little. "No if, ands, or buts!"

"Understandable. I comply with your command." Madilyn's father nodded, agreeing with Abel. "Madilyn, let's go."

Her father grabbed her by her wrist and tugged her to the car. As the car sped off, Abel slowly turned to Kayson as he sat down.

"Dad, I ca-"

Before Kayson could speak, Abel smacked him in his face. He smacked him so hard that Kayson winded up falling back in his chair, falling on their wooden front porch. Abel snatched his belt from his waist and dragged Kayson into the home by his arms, slamming the door and continuing his beating. Iyana sat in the living room, covering her ears to avoid having to hear her brothers yelling and cries for help. As Kayson lie wounded and bruised, Abel grabbed Kayson by his collar and yanked him up.

"Let's get one thing clear, you can disobey me with certain things and get away with it, but you will NOT marry of come close to even being in a relationship with that American bitch!" Abel growled in a low tone. "Do you understand me Kayson Dias McCay?"

Kayson squint his eyes shut in pain, nodding his head as blood trickled down his nose. Abel walked off, telling him one thing.

"You get back out in that farm and you don't come back inside until Iyana is done cooking today's meal!" Abel barked.

The next day, Isaiah took off of work to finish searching for Stephanie. As he looked around, Stephanie's mother and sister called him to see where she was.

"Hello?" Isaiah answered.

"Isaiah, have you talked to Stephanie?" Her sister asked in a worried tone. "She missed my mothers birthday party a couple days ago, so I was wondering if you spoke to her."

Isaiah sighed, giving them the bad news.

"I haven't seen Stephanie in almost 2 weeks, Becca." Isaiah sighed. "I've been looking for her ever since and if can't find her."

Her sister gasped loudly, pausing a while before speaking again.

"Wha........why didn't you tell me?" Her sister asked in a terrified tone. "Why haven't you filed a police report?"

"I didn't want to file a report yet because I'm not sure if she wandered off." Isaiah lied. "Did you want to meet up and look for her?"

"Yes." Rebecca panted as she got on her boots. "Me and my mother are on our way."

Rebecca was Stephanie's older sister. She was older than her by 3 years. As Isaiah hung up the phone, he bowed his head and placed it in his hands. He know that Stephanie was dead, but there was no way that he could tell her family that. They would go crazy.

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