2pItaly x 2pGermany

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(A/N) Hey guys, this is my first smut/lemon fan fiction writing, so sorry if it sucks. I'm taking requests too. Hope you like it!

Luciano Vargas was a bossy and cruel leader. He would often scold at his allies when they didn't properly do something his way. But, he had a certain reason to treat his allie, Lutz Beilschemt, the worst. He had a small obsession with him, and thought he was very attractive.
One day after training, Lucaino was sitting down, and Lutz was  sweating a lot. He was a lazy type of man, and wasn't used to work as hard as Luciano. Luciano saw this, and blushed at the sight. He gazed at the German's strong muscular body. Lutz noticed this.
"W-what?" Luci said crossing his legs, covering a growing bulge.
"You okay? You look kinda flushed."
"Shut up, I-I'm fine, get back to training....." Luciano walked to his room quickly, and closed the door.
He waited and listened for Lutz to leave. He heard a door close.
"Finally....." Luciano slipped off his pants and boxers.
"That stupid asshole......making me end up like this....." Luciano said slowly pumping his erected member.
He pumped a bit faster, entering some fingers.
"Sh-Shit......Lutz.... Ah..."
He visualized his German allie as he moved his hand.
"Lutz! A-Ah!" He panted.
The German walked in the house to check on his boss, but not loud enough for the Italian to hear him. He walked through the hallway where the bedroom was, and suddenly heard soft moaning and huffing. Lutz put his ear up to the door, listening quietly.
The German turned bright red and stepped back from the door, going a erection. He listened for more.
He quickly opened the door.
Luciano nearly fell off the bed.
"L-LUTZ?!" He quickly covered himself with the blanket.
Luciano saw that the German was blushing.
"I came to check on you, and found THIS."
Luciano looked down at the other's erection.
Lutz stayed quiet.
Luciano looked away.
".....can you.......at least......take care of this for me?"
Luciano looked back at him.
"I-I.......okay fine......"
Lutz walked to bed and kissed Luciano.
He was shocked, but then kissed him back lustfully.
Lutz got on the bed and pulled him closer. As they were kissing, Lutz stuck his hand under the covers gently stroking the Italian's member.
Luciano moaned softly. Lutz let go.
"You like that boss?" Lutz said stroking faster.
"Y-Yes! Aah!" Luciano layed back.
Lutz smirked "Say my name if you want me to suck...."
He moved his head down and softly licked the tip of his member.
"Ahhnn...." Luciano moaned.
Lutz started to move his head up and down licking and sucking the Italian.
"AH! Lutz, I-I'm close!"
Lutz picked up his head and flipped Luciano on his stomach.
"Luciano, this may hurt a lot. I'll try to be careful."
Luciano nodded.
Lutz took out his erected member, and slowly entered him.
Luciano grabbed the sheets and made tight fists.
Lutz entered all the way, waiting for Luciano's permission to start.
The Italian breathed heavily.
Lutz thrusted slowly into him.
Lutz speeded up a bit.
"Luciano, you're so tight!"
Lutz thrusted faster, rubbing the Italian's member.
"A-Ah! I'm so close!"
"M-Me too!"
Lutz hit the Italian's prostate, which made him all most yell at the top of his lungs.
He trusted hitting that spot faster and harder, putting Luciano on edge.
"I'M COMING!!! LUTZ!!!~" he said as he climaxed on the bed beneath him.
Lutz came after Luciano, exiting Luciano and laying down next to him
The two panted softly and drifted off into sleep.

That was terrible. '^^

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