2p FrUk

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Oliver had just put his cupcakes in the oven, and had almost an hour to wait for them to bake. His boyfriend, Louis, was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette and reading a book. Oliver had a certain seductive idea in mind. He hugged the French man from behind and smiled.
"What?" He said in an annoyed voice.
"Do you want to do something naughty?"
"No." He continued reading.
"I said no."
"Pretty please?!"
"Dammit Oliver, I said no!"
This didn't stop Oliver. He got angery with this, and grabbed his book and threw it across the room.
Oliver ignored him and slid his cold hands in his pants.
"You know very well that I get what I want Louis...." He said in a seductive whisper.
Louis blushed a bit, trying not to give in.
Oliver walked around the couch and sat next to Louis.
"Oli-" Louis was cut off by the British man's lips.
Oliver kissed him passionately and pulled him closer. Louis kissed back and rubbed the Brit's lower regions.
Louis let go and took off Oliver's shirt exposing his pale and freckled skin. Oliver mirrored his actions and took off Louis's shirt. They did this until they were completely naked.
Louis kissed Oliver again and rubbed their members together. Oliver moaned a bit and got on top of Louis. Louis continued to stroke the two members earning more moans from Oliver.
"A-Ah, Louis...."
"You like that?"
"Y-Yes! Louis, I-I need you!~"
"N-Need me to what?"
"Put it in!"
"How bad do you want it?"
"P-Please! Stop teasing me!"
Louis smirked and slowly entered Oliver. Oliver cried out in pain and grabbed Louis's shoulders. Louis waited for Oliver's permission to move.
"......g-go...." Oliver panted.
Louis started to slowly thrust into his lover.
Louis sped up holding Oliver close.
"Y-You're so tight Oliver!"
Oliver blushed and continued to moan.
"Oliver! I-I'm close!"
"Me too! Don't stop!"
Louis hit Oliver's sweet spot making him on edge.
"L-LOUIS!!!" Oliver came on his and Louis's chest, not long after Louis came inside of Oliver.
"I love you sweetheart."
"I love you too idiot."
Then, Oliver sat up and remembered something.

And then Oliver burned all of his cupcakes, including the pan.  -_-

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