2p RusAme

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Allen was so bored at the world meeting. He watched Luciano talk about stupid world problems and how to stop them, but he almost fell asleep.

Luciano saw this and snapped his fingers in Allen's face.

"Hey! Wake up fucker!"

Allen rolled his eyes.

"So, how do you think we can stop world hunger?"

"Eat your mom's pussy everyday." Allen said laughing.

Nickolai chuckled a bit. He was a bit fond of Allen.

"Shut up dickhead." Luciano said to Allen.

After the world meeting, Allen started to grab his things as he watched everyone leave. Nickolai waited for him. He didn't normally care for others, but something inside him wanted to stay.

They were both in the room. Alone.

Allen got up. He noticed that the Russian was staring at him.
He smirked.

"Like what you see, hot stuff?" Allen teased.

Nickolai blushed a bit. "Maybe I do."

Nickolai wrapped his arms around Allen and kissed him pationatally. Allen, not expecting this, was shocked. He kissed back pushing his tongue against Nickolai's lips. Nickolai opened his mouth allowing entrance. They made out for a while, not caring if anyone walked in. Alen let go and panted.

"I want you Russia....."

Nickolai stripped himself and Allen as fast as he could. They were both completely naked. Allen kissed Nickolai again, rubbing their two members. Nickolai made a low moan. He picked up Allen and layer him on the table.
Nickolai put the American's member in his mouth and started to suck.
Allen looked at the ceiling, then shut his eyes felling the warm, spongey substance on his vital regions. Nickolai grew inpatient. He slipped a finger in Allen's entrance with no warning.

"S-SHIT!" Allen cursed as the pain shot through his lower body.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"N-No.....it'll stop hurting soon. P-Put more fingers."

Nickolai did as he was told and slipped in two more fingers.

"AH!" Allen moaned in pain and pleasure.

"Move them N-Nickolai....."

Nickolai slowly thrusted his fingers into Allen's tight entrance. He moved his fingers around stretching it out more.


Nickolai continued to pump the American as he kept moaning.

Nickolai couldn't wait anymore. He took his fingers out and positioned himself in front of Allen's entrance.



Nickolai entered Allen in just one slow thrust.

"AH! SHIT RUSSSIA~!" Allen cried out in pain and pleasure.

"Move Russia!"

Nickolai thrusted in to Allen in a slow pace, then got faster.

"Faster! Harder!!!"

The Russian pounded into Allen with a faster pace as Allen yelled in pleasure.

"Y-You're so tight America!"

He started to pump his member faster than before.

"N-NICKOLAI!" Allen said as he came on the two's chest.

Not long after, Nickolai came into Allen, yelling his name.

The two panted, and the Russian exited his lover.

This was a request, hopefully you enjoyed it. Sorry it took so long. ^^'

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