//A-N: Hello and thank you for clicking on this book! For updates check out my update book! All the updates for this book will be on their if your interested. Anyway, please enjoy this book -Oka//
(F/N) - Full Name
(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/L) - Hair Length
(H/C) - Hair color
(E/C) - Eye color
Cold. Just cold. That's all you felt as cold water surrounded your body. You didn't even bother taking a breath. I mean, what's the point?
Take a breath. Death. Don't take a breath. Death. You let the current of the water drag you lower and lower into the seemingly endless water hole.
Your back suddenly felt warm. Warm...hot...BURNING. You quickly swerved around your back coming back into the water. Smoke appeared as your back started to cool down. What was that?
You let your head bob up to the top of the hole take big breaths and basically wheezing. The hole was on a wall so white it seemed non existent. Actually, the whole place was the way. You pulled your face back into the hole after you couldn't bear the scorching hotness anymore. You told yourself that you could either stay here in the coldness not being able the breathe or go out into the place where you could breathe but would probably die from heat stroke.
You decided to go out to go into the hotness. You quickly jumped out of the hole some water flying out with you. When it hit the ground it immediately evaporated into the air leaving a sizzling sound that went away as quickly as it came. Your whole body felt like it was on fire. Panicking instead of driving back into the hole splashed water on yourself.
The water expanded over you fully engulfing every inch of your body. There was now a layer of water covering you from head to toe in a extremely thin layer of water. The hotness faded and was replaced not with coldness but warmness. Not cold not hot. You felt like you were about to cry out of happiness from finally being able to breathe again.
You started to walk your footsteps echoing through the empty white void. You walked until you saw something, no, someone. A person! You ran to them not caring how far away they were. As you got closer you could make them out better.
Assuming their male by their short chestnut colored hair and dull tan skin. Their feet were dipped into a hole of water. "HEY!" You yelled not caring if they were friendly or not. You just wanted to get information of what this was. They ignored you and just sat there.
As you were about to say another thing to try and get his attention he disappeared into lots of bright red roses. Brighter then you have ever see. Roses and rose petals fluttered around you as you stood there in awe. A rose swayed to the ground where it was around head level it touched you.
Waking up in a pile of sweat your eyes shot open. You sat up your vision blurred. Having a massive headache you clenched your head in pain. As your vision cleared up to looked around the room. You sat on a bed with ripped gray sheets and a torn gray mattress.
The walls were made of a dark red brick material that was unknown to you. There's was also a chest next to the bed and dark wood flooring. A dusty mirror with a couple of cracks. Hopping off the bed you walked up to the mirror. You felt your heart drop as you saw your reflection.
Your (H/L) (H/C) is now a raggedy mess and a duller color than it was before. Your eyes went from (E/C) to a dark red. Glowing red cracks had formed under your eyes. Your skin also turned paler and darker. Your clothes where a gray torn shirt and brown pants which felt extremely uncomfortable and scratchy on your skin.
You stared at the mirror in horror. A fist pounded on the wooden door making you jump. Without you saying anything a male with black and red armor walked in. His hair was chocolate brown, pale skin and red glowing eyes. Another person was behind him.
Male, light cinnamon colored hair, dull skin and bright red eyes. The brunette walked towards you. "Name?" He looked you up and down. "(F-F/N)" You replied cautiously. The brunet motioned his hand toward the other guy. "Zenix, that is Laurence." Laurence threw heavy armor that looked identical to the ones that they were wearing.
"The sword is in the chest. Meet me at the Counter Hall." He turned to leave. You opened your mouth to say something. " Two rights three lefts." He walked out slamming the door behind him. You placed the armor in the bed trying to figure out which armor piece goes where. You slipped the chest piece over your head and down over your chest. After adjusting it a little it fit snuggly.
You pulled on the sleeves, then the gloves, pants, knee pads, then the boots. You walked around the room trying to get used to the hard material that now covered over 90% over your body and the repetitive clunking as you walked. You walked to the chest and opened it up. Taking out the sword surprised you. The sword glowed red.
It was not like any sword you have ever seen. Actually, this is the only sword you have ever seen. You tried to think of anything from before this moment. You couldn't. The only thing that happened before this was that dream.
You stopped thinking about it and walked out of the room. The hallway was so long you couldn't see the end of it. The walls were made of the same material as the other room. You looked up and down the hallway. You were the only person.
Also there was this crackling sound. It also sound like...fire. Wait, that is fire. "Okay, what were the directions again." You thought trying to remember.
2 rights 1 lefts? 4 rights 4 lefts? 3 rights 2 lefts? You decided to go 3 rights and 2 lefts. You started to walk down the corridor spaced out.
What was this place? It was nothing like the earth you remember or at least somewhat of what you remember. You know what earth looks like but you never actually knew what it felt like. You could remember simple things like birds for example. You know what they look like, what they sound like and what they felt like, but you never experienced anything with birds.
You remember what you look like and you know red eyes aren't natural colors. The only way a person could can red eyes if they were some form of a monster or a wizard/witch. Yet, you had red eyes. That was the part you didn't understand. You couldn't recall any memories saying that you were a monster or a spell caster.
You turned down a hallway to be greeted by a big door at the far end. You snapped out of your thoughts as you noticed the door. "Is this the counter hall? Looks pretty big for a counter hall, whatever that is." You thought as you pushed opened to giant door. Hundreds of thousand glass containers stood in rows on top of marble podiums. Inside were necklaces.
They all had different items with different shades of red on the bottom of the golden chain. A dark red gear. A medium red sword. A bright red rose. A black rose?
The necklace was different from the others which made it stand out. You touched the glass that surrounded it. With a flash of white you were now standing in a village scene. A female who had a light blue sword ran into your view. You looked her up and down.
It was you. But, you didn't remember any of this happening. The scene quickly faded out as a deep male voice yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE" A hard hand gripped your neck and pulled it into the air strangling you. "I....I....got lost." Your voice shivered.
"YOU SHOULD NOT BE HERE! IF YOU KEEP DOING STUFF LIKE THIS YOU AREN'T GONNA LAST LONG. YOU WAIT UNTIL I REPORT Y-" He was cut off as a person stood in the doorway. "Hey!" A voice yelled at him. The male dropped you. "She said she was lost." You recognized the voice as Zenix. The male walked off as he mumbled things.
You ran over to Zenix. "Sorry! I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going! Plus, this is the first time I ever saw this place and-" You tried to explain before he cut you off. "Understood, most newcomers get lost since this place is so big. Now, follow me. We have to get to the Counter Hall before we both get in trouble."

Red Rose Black Rose (MCD Laurence X Reader)
Fanfiction(Y/N) A girl with the knowledge of everything wakes up in a strange room after being in a weird dream with a guy she never met trys to find out who she is while having to figure out the strange emotion that keeps popping whenever he is around. Shado...