Ch. 3 Training

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((A/N- Just to be clear with everyone this basically happened all before Laurence and Zenix started the rebellion thing. Also the necklace thing is just something I made up for this story so please don't use it in your story that has shadow knights in it ;W; please don't see me as rude now))


(Y/N) - Your Name

(H/L) - Hair Length

(H/C) - Hair color

(E/C) - Eye color


You suddenly awoke to hard banging at your door. Being at the edge of the bed from tossing and turning all night made you fall out of from the sudden noise. "Coming coming!" You got off the floor and started towards the door not giving any mind that you were still in the half awake half asleep faze of the morning. "What." You swung open the and leaned on the door frame. "Your training starts in 10. So I suggest you get ready and prepare yourself." The man said harshly.

He has curly brown hair, the usual red eyes and red veins under the eyes, he also had circle glasses with thin black frames. You recognized the voice as the person from yesterday. You straightened up your back and nodded completely snapping out of the phase. After shutting the door and him walking away you got dressed in the armor and grabbed your sword. You opened the door and looked left and right.

The male stood off to the right leaning up against the wall. Once he heard the door creak open he whipped his head towards you and smiled. "Ready?" He motioned his head head down the hall. You nodded and started walking next to him. "By the way, I'm Eden." He cocked his head towards you and smiled.


You arrived at the training field after talking to Eden for a awhile. From what you had learned he was actually a pretty soft and nice person. He also told you that he was the one in charge of the training fields and how he was one of the Shadow Lord's personal guards. While walking to your training spot people stopped and started at you and Eden, said things like "Good-day Eden, sir" "Hello Eden" and other things like that. Once you got the spot you could see Laurence and Zenix talking from the corner of your eye.

"(Y/N), this is Blaine. He will be your training partner." Eden turned towards Blaine. "Blaine, this is (Y/N). she will be your training partner." Blaine was the guy with the  purple hair that was screaming bloody murder yesterday. His purple hair was combed back into a manbun with the sides of his head shaved, his eyes were like everyone else, red and red veins, his skin was a light chocolate color. "Okay! First we will start with defense. Blaine attack (Y/N) blocks his attacks." From the corner of your eye you spotted  Laurence glaring at Blaine.


After a couple of hours of basic training you were breathing in and out heavily while Blaine was lying spread out on the floor wheezing for air. You crouched down next to him and helped him up. "Sorry about your cheek." While you were training in up close combat you accidentally sliced his cheek a little. Thankfully it it didn't fully go through his cheek. "It's okay. It's just a little scratch." He put his hand up to touch it but retracted it as he came close to the scratch.

Eden had left to let you guys have a break and to go help other people. You took this opportunity to ask Blain about yesterday. "Sooooooo, Why were you..... ya knowwwww." You didn't know how to say what you wanted to say, either that or you just awkward about asking it. "Being dragged away? I'd rather not talk about it." There was a silence between you and him. "Alright, we are gonna have to end this earlier because of.....unexpected reasons." For a second you could see him glance at you.

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