Ch. 2 Mysteries

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(Y/N) - Your Name

(H/L) - Hair Length

(H/C) - Hair color

(E/C) - Eye color


Zenix took you to the Counter Hall. The Counter Hall was a not really a hall at all. It was a room right next to the main hall. Tons of other people gathered into the room. They all wore armor identical to yours. After pushing your way through the crowd you finally found Laurence. He had a impatient look on his face.

"What took you so long?" Laurence had his arms crossed. "She got lost. And you can't really blame her since she is just a newbie." Zenix replied standing up for you and insulting you at the same time. "Can we just get this over with? I have other duties that the SHADOW LORD actually gave me" Laurence started walking. You heisted for second until you decided to follow. While pushing your way through the crowd your eyes meet with the person from what you are now are calling 'The Room".

You saw his head snap towards you. Frightened on what he was going to do you started to run out of the crowd. Once you got the Laurence you were breathing hard. "You can hardly get through tiny crowd like that? Heh, you're not gonna even survive a week." Laurence laughed at you as you two walked down that hall. "How was that tiny?!" You caught your breath by now.

"The Counter Hall gets a way bigger crowd than that usually. I don't know why it didn't have a bigger crowd today." He turned his head to look back at the Counter Hall. You turned your head to face him. Before you could even start a scream filled the air. As you turned your head to see what it was about Laurence but his arm in front of you stopping you dead in your tracks.

There was a man with dark purple hair who was basically screaming his lung out being dragged away by two people with the same armor as you. They had helmets on so you couldn't see their faces. "What's that all about?" You looked up at Laurence. You suddenly realized how tall he was. "What is wrong with him?" You glanced back at the man. All you could caught sight of was some doors closing.

The man was still screaming. "Torture room. Helps keep everyone 'in line'." His expression didn't change at all. He started walking again. Both of you stayed silence as you passed by the room. You could hear all of the people screaming pain.

At that moment you let your imagination get to you. You started to imagination what tools they might have in there. Just at thought of it made your face go pale. "Have you ever been in there?" You asked Laurence as you both turned a corner. "Yeah, all Shadow Knights have to be in there at least once." His voice sounded uninterested.

"Why?" "Once you get to a certain rank you have to go in there so they can see how high your pain tolerance is. The higher your tolerance is the higher ranking you get. The rank ranking me and Zenix got were the lowest. That's why we have to show newbies around." He glared at a person walking by. "How long did you last?" "10 minutes." Your heart dropped. If 10 minutes is getting into the lowest rank what happens if you get less? Will they kill you since you're not strong enough?

You decided to stay quiet because you wanted to stop scaring yourself, plus every time you talk an ashy taste gets in your mouth.


After Laurence had took you on a 'tour' it was time for everyone to go back to their room. The 'tour' wasn't a tour really. It was just you and him walking around and him pointing out the important places. At this point you have taken all of your armor off and are left with the scratchy clothes. You sat on the bed letting all the questions come crashing down on you, but one stood out.

What else is there? When you were walking around with Laurence you only caught a glimpse of the outside world. It was not what you remembered it to be or at least it wasn't what it was in that vision that you had. Your head turned towards the door. They wouldn't mind if you went out, would they?

Well, whoever 'They' are or if there even is a 'They' at all. Grabbing your sword and started towards the door. You paused for a little and just stared at the door. What if you get caught. Telling yourself that you won't you took a breath and opened the door.

Like the last time it was completely silent. You ran down the hallway following the way that Zenix had showed you. Soon enough you arrived at the Counter Hall. There is a balcony at the end of the Counter Hall that outlooks the outside world. Once walking onto the balcony you were hit with a strong heat wave.

You boosted yourself over the railing. The drop wasn't that far down so you get let go after letting yourself dangle over the railing for a little bit. You let go and fell to the ground. You turned around looking at everything. The one thing that caught your eye was a building that looked like all the rest but it had a big glass window.

You walked towards the building trying not to attract any attention from the people in it. There was a man standing at the window. He had black hair, tan skin, red eyes that also had that red veins below. Red particles floated around him. There was suddenly a muffled voice.

"Sir, the training session for the new comer is almost ready." The man with the black hair turned around the face the voice. "New comer? I was not informed there was a new comer." The man sounded angry. "Y-yes! There was a female that came earlier in the day. It was quite sudden so we didn't have time to inform you earlier!" The other guy sounded scared. The black haired guy sighed. "I'll deal with it later. For now, just get out of my sights." New comer?

Were they referring you as the new comer? A chill ran up your spine. That guy must be the one in charge of this place. If he sees you out of your room then who knows what's going to happen to you. Plus he already didn't sound to happy when they were probably talking about you.

You started to sprint back to the balcony. Then you realized. How are going to get back up. You suddenly stopped out of panic. Looking around you saw a cliff that hung over the top of the building.

You ran up it with a sigh of relief. Once at the end you dropped down onto the top of the building. Before going back inside you looked out onto the other side. There was a giant lava pool and a tiny line of the red stone that connected two cliffs that hung high above said lava pool. But, to you it didn't spark any interest.

You walked to the balcony jumped onto it and then made a run for it back to your room. Shutting the door you were surprised you even remembered where it was.

Red Rose Black Rose (MCD Laurence X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now