(F/N) - Full Name
(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/L) - Hair Length
(H/C) - Hair color
(E/C) - Eye color
You made your way to the training field. Yesterday after you got back Eden told you to go to the training field once they call everyone to go to their rooms. You peered into the training field, just two men stood in the middle talking. "Hello..?" You said to get their attention. "Are you (F/N)?" One of the men said with a smile.
"Yes, Eden told us to come here at this time." They walked up to you. "Follow us." The other man said his voice much deeper than the first man, which made it more imitating. You nodded quickly and did as told. Your heart raced as they led you to the Counter Hall. They stopped and grabbed your arms.
They started to pull you to the Torture Room. A scream built up in your throat. Footsteps raced down the hall. "W-WAIT!" Someone shouted from down the hall. It was Eden.
He stopped in front of you and the two men. "The....The Shadow Lord wants to see her." He said out of breath. "Aww come one E. We have not done this is a month!" The guy with the higher voice whined his shoulder dropping and his grip loosening. "The Shadow Lord wants to see her." Eden said more forceful. "Can't believe the Shadow Lord would pick such of a softie like you to be his personal guard." The man with the lower voice hissed at him.
Eden started walk with you his hand gripped softly on your shoulder. "How about we fight sometime? I could surely beat your ass." You never seen Eden this mad. Your heart started to beat faster. The Shadow Lord wants to see you? What if he saw you go out to the portals?
Eden approached two big doors then stopped and looked at you. "Answer honestly and it will all be alright. Ok?" He was shaky. You nodded as he pushed the doors open. A man with black hair and tan skin stood near a big window. He turned his head to you and Eden.
"Hello (Y/N)." He said to you. By now Eden stood off to the side. "Hi." You replied quickly. Your whole body was shaky. Two more people walked into view as the door shut behind you.
"So I'm just gonna make this quick. How?" He said more angrily. "W-what?" You said slightly shrinking away. "How did you come here without me choosing you?!" He yelled. You started to back away tears starting to form in your eyes. "What? I don't have your talking about!" You looked over to Eden for possible help.
He just stood there his eyes lifeless. "Answer me this (Y/N). What did you see before you came here?" He asked his eyes in a glare. Answer honestly. "I was floating down a water hole until-" "Kill her." You froze. Eden and the two men lunged towards you.
You dodged and ran out the door. You had to get away. A idea popped into your head. The portal. You could go through that to the Over World and escape into possibly that town.
You ran down the hall and pushed past the two guys from before. "Get her!" One of the men from the room yelled. Now you had 5 people trying to kill you. Not to mention 3 of them being the Shadow Lord's personal guards, the most powerful people besides the Shadow Lord himself.
You skidded around the corner that led to the staircase that leads outside. You jumped over the side your knees locking up as you hit the ground. You stumbled to get back on your feet as you continued running. Luckily you did it without falling. You approached the narrow bridge that hung over the lava.
You ran over it some of the pieces breaking off. In the middle a big piece broke off that was supporting the two ledges. You made it to the other side safely. You turned your head over your shoulder to see how far away they are. Eden jumped over the hole another piece breaking off as he landed on the other side making it bigger.
As you turned your head forward a scream filled the air which was shortly followed by two more. You didn't want to know what they were about but you had your guesses. You ran into the room with the rubble of the portal. You jumped over some of the material that was in your way. You ran into the narrow hallway.
Turn one , turn two. You dropped down and skidded through the hole the momentum of you running carrying you through. You stumbled to get back up before you could you fell through the portal. Once you came out the other side you didn't feel sick and resumed running. After being so far away from the portal that you could barely see it you turned your head over your shoulder still running you saw Eden emerge through the portal you snapped your head forward.
A sharp pain was felt through your right eye it going completely black. You had ran straight into a branch causing your eye to get impaled by it. You let a scream escape your throat piercing the air. You pulled the branch out of you eye and started to run through the pain. Warm blood trickled down your cheek.
It made the pain worse if you closed your eye so you just cupped your hand around it. Soon enough you came across the town from yesterday. You couldn't hear footsteps from behind so you thought that he wasn't following you anymore. Black spots surrounded your vision as you stumbled into the town. A man with blonde hair appeared who was followed by the blue haired male from yesterday.
"Yes I'm sure I saw a shadow k- There! That's her!" The blue haired male said and pointed to you. "Hhhh-" Your vision completely went black as you collapsed onto the ground from blood loss.
"She was unarmed, thankfully." "So, are you sure this is the Shadow Knight that you saw yesterday?" "Yes! I'm extremely sure of it!" "Look, she's waking up." Your eyes slightly opened a sharp pain came from your right eye.
You hissed at the pain. You went to bring you hand up to your eye. To your surprise you where in handcuffs. You locked eyes with the people in front of you. "Hello." A female greeted you. Her hair was black, tan skin, and brown eyes that looked orange.
"What's your name." "(Y/N)." You replied shakily. A male with blonde hair, light blue eyes, and tan skin but not as tan as the female glared at you from the female's side. Next to him was the male that saw you when you were first here, blue hair, pale skin, blue eyes.
In the background there were two more males. One with blond hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. The other with brown hair, green eyes, and pale skin. "I'm Aphmau, that's Garroth, Dante, Levin, and Malachi." Aphmau said motioning to each one as she said their names. This was followed by silence.
"So, what happened to your eye." Levin asked walking up to get a better look at you. "I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into a sharp branch" You explained feeling your face heat up. Now that you're saying it out loud it sounded like a really idiotic thing to do. "Does it hurt?" Levin asked walking up so he was right in front of the bars. You gave him a how-stupid-are-you look.
"No it doesn't hurt OF COURSE IT DOES DIMWIT." You yelled angrily. Garroth stepped forward as Levin stepped back. "Don't speak to the Lord like that." He said firmly. "Sorry, I don't know what happened." You tilted your head down. Another silence.
"So why are you here and why were you here yesterday." Answer honestly and everything will be alright. Sure you didn't want to listen to a traitor's words but if you did lie it will only make your life harder. "I saw a portal in a room, so I went through it. Then, today I was being chased...they were trying to kill me, the only way I wouldn't be killed was by losing him through the forest. I thought you guys would help me but I guess that's not the case..." Your voice drifted off as you remembered what has happened in possibly the last hour. "Him?" Malachi, who was leaning up against the wall all the way in the back, asked. Suddenly fear struck you.
Eden, he could possibly still be out there looking for you. He could have possibly have followed the blood from your eye. You could have possibly have just put everyone here in danger.
//And there! Hope you guys enjoyed the last 5 chapters this month! This chapter was extremely long not bc it was the last one for awhile but bc this was the one which had a lot of planning of how I wanted it to look. -Oka//

Red Rose Black Rose (MCD Laurence X Reader)
Fanfiction(Y/N) A girl with the knowledge of everything wakes up in a strange room after being in a weird dream with a guy she never met trys to find out who she is while having to figure out the strange emotion that keeps popping whenever he is around. Shado...