Ch4. Portals

135 6 0


(Y/N) - Your Name

(H/L) - Hair Length

(H/C) - Hair color

(E/C) - Eye color


It has been a month since that whole thing happened, Laurence had been avoiding you and you have been holding off on asking Eden about Blaine not being there for the training but today you were ready to ask him. You walked onto the training field and looking around. Zenix as leaning up against the wall off to the side. When he saw you looking in his direction he gave a little wave. You also gave a wave back to him.

Once showing up to the field you noticed that Eden looking totally spaced out. "Hey Eden....?" He flinched and jerked his head up. "Oh--! (Y/N), didn't notice that you were there." He said ending with an awkward laugh. "Training doesn't start till an hour from now." "Well, I wanted to ask you about Blaine, what happened to him? He hasn't been here for the last month." You asked your body tense. He doesn't know that you were the person with Blaine when they found you and him.

"I'm not allowed to give away what really happened but let's just say that he's not here anymore." His voice transferred from soft to harsh. Your body froze. "He's dead?!" You could feel the tears starting to form up in your throat. "Ah! No no no no, he's not dead he's just hiding somewhere. But when or if we find him I'm pretty sure that would happen." You felt sorry for Blaine but at the same time you hoped that he would be found. "Anyway, let's get started with training! It wouldn't hurt to start early!" He said cheerily but you could hear a hint of sadness in his voice.


You stood hunched over your hands on your knees. Your breath was hard and slow as you gasped for air. Today's session was much longer and harder then normal. A man was talking the Eden about something, after a while Eden just left so you decide to leave and wander around. You walked around the halls thinking about this last month.

Everyone has been acting weird. Eden keeps randomly going places during training, everyone keep avoiding you, Zenix has been hanging out with these two other people, and both Laurence and Blaine had randomly disappeared. Instead of going back to your room you decide to go out and try to look for Blaine. Yes it was risky but you just wanted to know why he left you. As you walk through the hall to get to the stairs that led out someone called your name.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" You turned your head to see who it was. It was Zenix and the two other people that he was starting to hang out with more. "Oh, Hi Zenix" Before you could turn away and begin walking again he waved you over. Not wanting to seem suspicious you came over to them. "Gene, Sasha, this is (Y/N), the one that's causing all the chaos recently."

Gene was a tall male with black hair and normal skin. Sasha was just a little taller then Zenix and had light gray hair with pale skin. Both had the now normal red eyes with red veins underneath. Gene stood there with a board expression while Sasha gave you a tiny smile and wave. "Well I have to g--" The man that was talking with Eden was running down the hall and stopped at Zenix.

"Zenix, the Shadow Lord would like to see you." Zenix, Gene, and Sasha all exchanged looks. "Ohh Zenix what did you do this time?" Sasha said jokingly. Zenix only replied by sending her an icy glare. Taking this opportunity you slipped away and started to run to the stair case. As you turned a corner into the stair case a person was right on the top step.

You let out a tiny yelp as you stumbled back losing your balance and fell back. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The person hissed back at you. You looked up and saw who it was. Surprise surprise, it was Laurence. You got back up to your feet and looked Laurence straight into his eyes.

"Hi." You said breaking the silence. "I have to go." He said walking past you. "D-don't tell anyone that you saw me." He said turning his head ever so slightly. You could see a slight red on his cheeks. You shrugged it off turning to walk down the stair.

You knew Laurence wasn't going to say anything about you going outside. Why? Because then you would say that you saw him coming up from the stairs. Did he even know that you were going outside? Yes because you would fell his eyes burning into your back.


You walked up to where the portal once stood. You walked around looking at all the rubble on the ground. You brushed your hand against the cold stone. Although you only been in this room once it seems out of place for the portal to not be there. The room gave off an abnormal vibe.

Your eyes wondered off to the narrow hallway that you and Blaine went through. You walked into it wanting to explore it to see what else it could look like. You rounded the corner that almost got you caught. Looking down the hall you could see that it was extremely long. You looked into the space that Laurence had pulled you into from where you're standing you couldn't see the spot where you two were standing.

After walking more a separate hall was to the right. You guessed that Zenix and Eden could have thought that you went in there instead of following Blaine. You turned into the hall and looked to the right. A tiny hole was in the corner. On the other side something glowed purple.

"An ender portal..?" You mumbled to yourself. You walked up to it and crawled through the hole. You were correct, it was an ender portal. You walked up to it and stuck your hand through it. Instead up pulling your hand out you walked straight into it.

It felt like everything in your body stopped. Once out your stomach felt sick and like you could throw up at any second. You held a hand up to your mouth and fell to your knees gagging and gasping. It went away after a couple of seconds. You got up to your feet and looked around.

You were in a cave scene. The air was cold and moist. You walked out of the cave and looked up. A moon was plastered in the sky. You starred at it for awhile fascinated.

You started to walk around your sword gripped tightly in your hands. You didn't know what to expect from the Over world. You soon stumbled upon a wall the surrounded a town. You peered into the town. Trees hung high over it.

You walked into it and looked at all building. They looked extraordinary to you. You admired them not paying attention to anything else. Footsteps sounded on the pavement which did snap you could of your trance of awe. Your head snapped to the sound.

A girl with light brown hair appeared around the corner and you to made eye contact. She let out a blood curdling scream which was followed by, "SHADOW KNIGHT." You stepped back shaken from the scream. A blue head male head popped out from a corner. As soon as he saw you he started running at you with an angry face.

Your first instinct was to run away back into the forest and to the portal. You twisted your way through the trees trying to lose him. After awhile you finally lost him but that didn't stop you from running. If you walked he could find you again so your ran. You soon found the portal and basically dove through it all full speed. The feeling as you went through it wasn't as bad as before but it still felt like everything in your body stopped. You face planted into the ground as your body came out the portal. You rolled onto your back breathing heavily. You quickly got you your feet and crawled out of the room. You should get back before you get caught.

//A:N For all of you reading this as these come out Happy Halloween even tho it's tomorrow! For those who don't do Halloween happy normal day?? -Oka//

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