PART 2 the death of ded and Euronymous

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Ded was shot by vark at a consert but they sed it was a suicide bcause suicide is more dark n evil. This was b4 vark blown up a milkshake at McDonelds norway in 1992. 

About ded:

ded was a swede what lived in Norway an he was blonde like most swedes. he was real morbid n depressed n suicidal, but it was definitely not a suicide what killed him but vark shot him. He liked McDonelds and it was his one love in life apart frem ritual sacrifises and satanism. b4 every show he put rancid chikin nuggits in a bag and sniffed it to get morbid and the ccain in the nuggits made him high becus McDonelds used cocain in the seasoning then, not like now where they use PCP. It is ironic because of his after death events, see below.

on the stage ded was shot an vark run away to hide out a burger king when da police was looking for him so he didnet get arrested and he ordered a Whopper flame grill with extra cheese and side salad. The other guys took deds corpse to backstage but they were worried what would hapen when the cops came so they took his corpse to mcDonelds kitchen an took a photo for the album of his corpse. to hide his face they put nuggit batter on him what is intended for chikin nuggits to disquise his face. Acidentally Euronymous put his corpse in the nuggit machine wen they went to walmart to develop the photos n when they came back hellhammer wanted to buy sum nuggits so euronymous put on the fryer. Euronymous give hellhammer 15 nuggits in a bumper meal box and a free sweet chilli dip that comes with the meal as well. 

''Dis  nuggits tastes weird'' sed hellhammer but he ate it because he had a eating disorder where he could not ever stop eating McDonelds.

They did not know what happend to deds corpse so they thort the cops musta taken it for an autopsy. 

Euronymous deth and what happend next: 

Euronymous died becus a milkshake did exploded and there was 100 knifes hidden in the fries in McDonelds by Vark, what flew up and stabbed him a lot of times when the milkshake exploded. The milkshake was strawbery flavor and there was no straw inserted in the cup at the time of the exploshun. the diet and decaf buttons were pressed in, part of why the exploshun was so extreme and projected the knifes so acuratley. 

Vark was being real nice that day n they were suspishus of it, but euronymous did not expect to die in mcdonelds. Only 1 knive did not peirce him and went in hellhammers eye who was eating nuggits that day but he survived. it was a terrible tragerdy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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