Two - The Royal We

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Two-The Royal We

Very carefully look over your shoulder.

As today is Sunday, I decide to go over to Michael's and return his messed up game which he had forgotten yesterday.

Earlier today, I met a girl inside my bedroom, and I can't bear to even enter my bedroom due to the fear. I wanted to tell my mother about it, but she wasn't even in the house. I walk over to my room after having some breakfast, inhaling deeply as I open the door. I walk towards my closet to get the Ouija board to return it to Michael. But it wasn't there anymore.

"The board…" I gasp. "Where is it?"

I search the closet, and remove the piles of clothes out of it, throwing them on the ground. There was no sign of the Ouija board. I begin to panic, and to actually believe that I'm being haunted. This is not my imagination, this is reality. I had to find the Ouija board, since I've got no choice. The little girl isn't in the room, but I can feel her. I don't know how, but I have a feeling she's going to torment me. I even bet she moved the board.

A giggle.

It was only a giggle, but it scared the hell out of me.

I touch my forehead, as a result of all the searching; I was sweating, not only from that, but from that cunningly evil giggle.

"Can you leave me alone?" I ask fearfully.

The giggle becomes louder and then out of no where a face appears in front of me. There was no body attached to the face. The vicious look in the girl's eye is full of wicked hatred. She is smirking at me. A loud roar comes out of the girl's lips, making my fringe flutter from my face and the closet doors open and close turbulently. She then disappears.  My quickened breath is uncontrollable, I then realise I am hyperventilating.

"Are you okay?" the girl says, from a place where I can no longer see her as she practises her cunningly evil laugh.

I eye each corner of the room suspiciously.

"Where are you?" I ask.

I hear another giggle, quieter than the other giggles. I realise she was inside something, probably a box, or…my closet.

Since I was leaning against the closet door, I back away instantly. The closet opens its doors by itself, without any mortal force allowing it to do so.

There, from inside the closet, I could see yellow eyes. Weirdly, I thought the girls eyes were blue, but now, they were yellow, a sinister kind of yellow.

The face unveils and is coming towards me. I try to back away but I stumble upon the clothes I'd just thrown, and I fall to the ground. Still on the ground, I'm once again, face to face with the girl.

"Hello Sierra," she hisses.

I gulp and I start to tear up. A tear falls down onto my neck.

"Are you scared?" she says mockingly as she pouts.

I don't answer, which was a mistake.

"Answer with a yes…or no." she hisses more violently.

I nod.

"Why?" she asks in a vile manner.

I refuse to reply to a spirit that's been haunting me all day long.

She drifts towards the switch, and starts turning the lights on and off. The flickering of the lights was beyond terrifying so I can't help but yell.

"Please STOP!"

The girl smiles similarly to the Cheshire cat, a very wide smile, with all her little baby teeth visible.

She giggles menacingly once again.

I run to my door to open it, but it just wouldn't open. I pull hard on the knob to get it open, I do that repeatedly, but my attempt to get out fails.

"Why'd you lock the door?" I demand.

She ignores me and starts singing a song which is very familiar to me.

"Little girl, strong and clever. Always be happy, never say never. Little girl we love you. Smart and sweet and beautiful."

I remember that my parents used to sing me this song when I was a little girl. I was also they're only little girl. How could she know this song?

"How do you know that song?" I ask.

She only giggles and continues to sing and dance. Her voice then turns into a deep, corpselike tone. She then turns slowly towards me and gives me a grim look. She comes over and whispers something malicious in my ear.

"You will never feel what I felt, unless I make you feel it." She says very innocently, yet very demonically.

She continues to whisper in my ear until I only hear faint whooshing noises. I notice my skin crawling, with the hairs of hands standing. My skin is a pale colour, like I am about to die.

"You will die, just like I did." The girl whispers hauntingly.

My eyes are focused unsteadily and my vision is blurry. Everything is fading to gray, and before I know it, darkness has taken over me. 

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