Six - If I Had a Gun

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If I Had a Gun

If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you..

"Hun, wake up. Why are you asleep on the ground?"

My mother's soothing voice and gentle touch stir me awake. I yawn, allowing my body to relax after the deep and forgotten slumber I was in. I rub my eyes, sit down properly and look at my mother. She doesn't appear to be as worried as she sounded. Her newly cropped and dyed ebony black hair is framing her face nicely as she greets me with her charming smile. Her eyes light up when she asks, "Do you like my hair cut?"

That's all she's concerned about? For a woman with such soft-spoken words and a smooth touch she doesn't seem to give a damn about anything but herself. She doesn't even bother asking why the hell I was asleep on the ground. It's not like I know the answer myself but still...

I ignore her and rise from my sleeping position. Stretching my back, I glance at her and notice that she's still waiting for an answer.


Oh my god, she just wouldn't be satisfied with no answer. She needs someone to tell her how beautiful she looks, she just craves the attention. Which she won't receive from me. I walk towards the stairs, stepping ever so lightly upon each step because I hate the way they creak. It's so squeaky and earsplitting.

"Sierra, dear, what's the matter?" she asks from downstairs. A good mother would have chased you till you spit everything out.

I enter my bedroom and close it behind me until I can't hear her pathetic attempts to find out what's wrong with me. Sam's there just sitting on the ground while mumbling words to herself.

"God I hate mum."

"Shut up, she's not your mum! Unfortunately she's my mum, and a ridiculous one at that," I admit. "Also, why was I asleep on the ground?"

She smiles slyly, "Hmm..."

"What did you do?"

"He's not dead, much to my disappointment." She says sadly.

"Who? Who are you talking about?"

Oh. My. God.

Michael! She wanted him killed!

"Well when I-"

"Michael?!" I ask. "Is that who you're talking about?"

She nods, "Anyway," she continues, clenching onto her white dress to release her obvious frustration. "I...You didn't pull out the knife out of his chest because I...or you forgot to!"

"What did you do?" I gasp.

"You mean 'what did you do'." She corrects me, winking.

"No! I didn't do anything, I didn't even see him yesterday, remember?"

She wasn't making any sense, what knife is she talking about? And how did the knife protect him?

"You did, I possessed you darling."

What. No, no, no, no.

"You mean...I killed him?"

"No you didn't, because he's not dead."

"But I hurt him!"

"Yes, yes you did."

I collapse onto the ground and bury my head in my hands. I stabbed him?

"Why'd you do that little bitch?" I demand.

"You can call me Sam you know, it's not illegal." She says, trying to tease me.

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