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Deep in the woods was a mental facility for the insain. Here, contained the Hiliker brothers. Three hilibly children captured after, what the doctors assume, they ate their parents. But they would never know the truth, they had Alalia, the three couldn't speak. They only spoke in grunts, to each other. Only they could understand each other.
The three didn't look related. The doctors thought they were step siblings, but a DNA test proved wrong. They were 100% related. But getting those samples was a nightmare... The oldest brother, who they named Sawtooth, was VERY protective of the two younger ones, One Eye and Three Finger. He flipped on the nurses when they came in with needles for blood, bitting off some skin from one of the nurse's face with his sharpened teeth, eating it right in front of her...
Being the oldest, he was very caring and protective of the two youngers ones. He didn't dare to sleep until he knew for sure the grownups were gone. They assumed he was around 13 years old. He had messy brown hair that laid over his eyes and on his upper back. He was huge for his age... The doctor's assumed he had Gigantism. His brown eyes seemed to be full of rage and anger when any grownups came near, but when they were alone, Sawtooth's eyes had a tint of care. He was a parental figure to his brother's, he wanted them to feel safe.
The middle child was named One Eye. This wasn't his orignal name... It was Shy Guy, until one day the nurse gave him a fork, and he ate stabbed out his eye and ate it. Hence the name change... One Eye wasn't very smart, and seemed to stay out of all the confrontations his older brother would make with the doctor's. He's assumed to be 10. He spends time with Three Finger the most, since Sawooth is usually forced away for punishment. One Eye had hair black, messy hair that he kept cut short in a choppy cut and his one blue eye shined in innocence. The doctors liked to use him for tests, pumping full of tons of drugs and shocking him as "punishment" even if he did nothing wrong. But One Eye barley felt it. He couldn't feel pain. All three of them couldn't. It inspired the doctors to do more... To find their  limits, breaking points, fears... And One Eye had many. Due to being a coward...
The youngest was Three Finger. He was very unique. He had shiny white hair that he prefered to keep clean, but was usually messy due to the lack of showers. He was the smallest and skinniest, but was not a coward, unlike his older brother. His blue eyes were dull of sadistic thoughts, and he always wore a grin when the doctor's or nurses got attacked by his older brother. One day two of his fingers on the right hand went missing, but couldn't be found. Nurse's assumed he ate them. Though he showed no fear when together with his brother's,  if he got separated from them, it was a different story. He was skiddish, and seem defenseless. The 8 year old seemed to rely on his brother's bulk... No wonder, he was so frail. He also had a fear of the dark. He'd often be locked in a dark room alone. But after a while, he stopped being afraid. Or at least acted like it. His brother tought him not to give the doctor's what they want.

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