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"C'mon little boy, it's just a needle." The doctor said, a spark of evil in his voice, as he pointed the long syringe at the frightened child. Three Finger sat in the corner shaking. He was alone... He cried out in his own language for his brothers, but they never came... No one came... He was alone with this sadistic doctor. The doctor grabbed his arm and stabbed the needle into his arm and injected the strange liquid into him, and within minutes, Three Finger felt his vision fade, and he soon passed out.
The doctor put him through horrid "tests". Electric shockes, nearly drowning him in a bathtub, locking him in a dark room with rats and other animals crawling all over him, putting leaches all over his face, and he if course beat him for his own pleasure. Hardly gave him food or water during this week of torture. Three Finger was so bruised and skinny, his legs barley wanted to hold him up due to the shaking. The doctor was finally bored with him and returned him to his cell while his brothers were still out at lunch. Three Finger curled up on the lower bunk and stayed silent. He wanted to cry, but he won't. He didn't want that fucker to win...
Sawtooth and One Eye finally returned, and needless to say, they were not happy at the condition their brother was returned in. Three Finger jumped out of the bed and hugged Sawtooth tight, and in return, Sawtooth hugged him and fell to the floor. Three Finger finally cried. Cried in his brother's embrace... He was safe... He knew Sawtooth would protect him. Sawtooth was far from upset, however. His eyes burned with hate. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see Three Finger was hurt. Skinny and hurt. Sawtooth gripped Three Finger's dirty shirt in rage. He'd make that fucker pay... He'll regret ever LOOKING at his brother! One Eye stayed away from the two. He knew how Sawtooth could be in a fit of rage. He would soon destroy the room again. Nothing else to hit, after all...

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