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-note: I only make the bros speak when they talk to each other. Easier that way. Also, Sawtooth is 17, One Eye 15, Three Finger 12-
~~Few years later~~
Three Finger stirred on the old mattress up in the loft area of the asylum, trying to ignore the light waking him up. But suddenly a curtain was pulled off the window by his oldest brother, causing his to groan loud and hide under the blanket to hide from the bright light. Sawtooth rolled his eyes. "Quit it. Get up, your breakfast will get cold." With that, Sawtooth left the room. Three Finger threw the blanket off in a fit. Dammit, he didn't wanna be up!! But he was already up and couldn't fall back asleep. He decided to get dressed and eat since his stomach let out a loud roar. As he leaned up, Three Finger felt something weird in his trousers... something... wet? When he looked down, there was a bulge and a wet spot on the dark, tattered trousers. What the...? What was this...? This never happened before. When he went to push it down, he let out a soft moan as pleasure struck through his body. That felt good... As he went to do it again, he heard his brother yelling from downstairs. "I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR FOOD!" That made the young boy jump and begin to get dressed, attempting to hide his little situation and ran down the steps to breakfast before his older brother ate it.
Later that afternoon, the three hung out in the main room in front of the fireplace. It was chilly outside and they wanted to stay as warm as possible. Of course, the two younger ones were huddled under their older brother's arms as he kept them close. Sawtooth starred dully at the flames in the fireplace. He felt a little strange... A strange feeling in his stomach. They were really close... He'd never had an issue before, but now it makes him feel funny... The odd feeling rushed to his groin, and made him fidget when he felt something shift in his pants. He quickly stood and wrapped the two in a blanket and rushed off to the bathroom to figure out the issue, leaving the two confused...
One Eye took a shower tonight since he got a little dirty earlier from playing with Three Finger. He began to wash his body when something felt off. Something felt stiff. He looked down and saw that something was poking up between his legs. He knew what it was of course, but it was never stiff like this... It almost scared him... No, it DID scare him! He got out of the shower and grabbd a towel and rushed to Sawtooth. "B-Brother! S-Something is wrong! I-I think my penis is broken!" Sawtooth felt his cheeks get warm. Three Finger laughed at that statement. One Eye huffed. "N-Not funny! L-Look!" That's when he showed his brother's his issue. That's when Sawtooth took a deep breath. "You to, huh?"

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