Chapter 21: The Mishap

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Thursday, November 4th, 2016

5:30 am

It had been more than a month since the dragoons appeared in the 21st century. Elizabeth and William were inseperable by now, they spent nearly every waking hour together. The pair were in her laboratory as usual, talking and joking with each other while she finished up some work. Elizabeth put her notes as neatly as possible (for her!) inside of her bookbag, and then led him out of the laboratory. A huge animated grin spread across her face, and she suddenly lit up with childlike excitement as she watched him shut the door behind them. He rose one brow in a mixture of amusement and dread. He knew what that look on her face meant.

"I just remembered that there's something really cool I'd like to show you! Come on!" She said as she took his hand and led him down the hall.

William scoffed, his suspicions confirmed.

"I certainly hope that it does not involve lightning or metal coils this time." He replied in a very pointed, firm voice.

Elizabeth chuckled despite herself. Last week she and Amy finally figured out the math for time travel, and over the past few days they have experimented with different ways to generate enough power to apply the theory. Their most recent experiments were with high powered Tesla coils that the girls created, and on Halloween Elizabeth thought it would be cool if she showed William what they did. It did not go so well. But in her defense, he seemed quite fascinated despite the first few minutes of his initial panic!

"No more Tesla coils, I promise." She had something even better for him, and much more calming. In between the Plasma debacle, Halloween itself, and the disturbing 'killer clown' epidemic (don't ask!), she figured that he kind of needed to relax a bit.

"What if I told you that I could show you the night sky, or any other celestial body, right now?" She asked when they stopped at the far end of the science building. She stood in front of a set of double doors, that led to a 'planetarium' according to the posted sign.

William huffed a short laugh, then gazed at her in astonishment.

"I would say that you are a madwoman and that your ambitions to move the sky would be met with my derision." He declared with a lopsided smirk "But I suppose in this age, anything may well be possible for all I know."

Elizabeth opened one door and they both walked through a huge, round, dim room. It, like most other things that he has encountered in the modern age, was nothing like he had ever seen before. Rows of seats surrounded the perimeter like a theatre in the round, although they were all at an odd angle and pointed towards a domed ceiling. He and Elizabeth were the only two present, so it was completely silent there except for ambient, interstellar music that played in the background.

"Just take a seat somewhere. I'll start what I wanted to show you and then I'll join you." She stepped into the control room at the east side of the planetarium and started her favorite program. The room began to darken as a simulated sun set, which aestetically almost compared to the real thing.

Elizabeth quickly found Will and sat next to him before it got too dark. He was completely relaxed, a rare sight for him, and he simply gazed up at the 'sunset' in awe. She took some time to simply stare at him, admire his features in profile until all light disappeared. The 'sun' disappeared and was soon replaced with the night sky in all its glory. No city noise, no light pollution, not even the moon. Just the stars, the planets, and the man and woman who equally admired them.

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