Chapter 8: ...Redcoats in the Sheets

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If you knew Doctor Amelia Smith, you could say that nothing really baffled or terrifyed her. Alien Invasion? They're all around us anyway, just farther out there than she would have liked. Zombie apocalypse? She has a plan for that, just as she has a plan for basically everything. Evil robot army? It's a good thing she studied robotic engineering at MIT before she was kicked out and forced to switch to something a little less 'hands on.' Just a few examples.

But, of all scenarios she could have thought up, she's never been prepared for the day that two large, strong men appeared in her bedroom closet. She stayed in her office until Saturday night, plopped into bed, then the next morning the robot she built at school, MARS, woke her up with loud, alarmed warbles. Then she watched him head for whatever had him worked up and...there they were. Passed out in the organized pile of sheets and blankets she kept on the closet floor. Amelia stared down at them completely frozen while the clunky machine wheeled about in short erratic patterns and waved its two short appendages about, trying to get her attention with electronic chirps and high-pitched tones. Finally it bumped the edge of her bed and Amy shot off towards the phone in her living room. The little droid grumbled and placed itself only a few feet away from the doorway, facing the intruders.

At first Amy thought about calling the police, but her relationship with them was a little strained after the trouble she's gotten into with some of her experiments gone wrong. So she called Elizabeth, the only person in the world that she really trusts. Afterwards she stood across her room, her round hazel eyes never left the unconscious men. She took a closer look at their identical uniforms, red and green with gold trim, and black pants with fluffy black helmets. Amy supposed that must be how the man that Elizabeth took in was dressed. At this rate they'll both have an entire army of historical christmas elves from Narnia to take care of.

She took the time to look at both of the men individually. The larger man was propped up against a wall. He looked young, and huge, if he stood up he'd be significantly taller than the 5'10" woman. From what she could see underneath the outlandish headgear, he could be considered rather attractive. He had curly, dark brown hair, a very defined facial structure, and pink lips that were parted just a little in his sleep. The other one was much shorter than his companion, but he had a very stocky, muscular build. His hair was the color of cinnamon, his face was round with light brown freckles and softer features.

The larger man shifted, then groaned, then he opened his eyes. The panicked screech from the robot that's been keeping guard allowed him only less than a second for disorientation. The man let out an unmanly yelp, then when he saw Mars, he stood up quickly and flattened himself against the back of the closet as best he could with all the fabric crammed there.

"Oh god! Get away from me, whatever the fuck you are!"

He still didn't see Amelia, and that's how she wanted it for now. She crept out of the room while a loud exchance of both male and electronic yelling could be heard.

The former engineer found it perplexing, yet amusing. Her glorious creation surely couldn't be regarded as scary. Unfamiliar technology yes, but only because it was all designed, built, and programmed by Amy. He could barely reach up to anyone's hip, and his crude clunky figure was anything but threatening. Well, he's currently threatening the men with a taser--where did he get that anyway?

There was a knock on the door. Amy rushed to answer it, to find Elizabeth, the dark haired man that she supposed must be William, and still another man she did not recognize. If the green uniform was any indication, he was stranded in the future too. Fascinating.

"They're still here, right?" Her friend asked urgently.


The trio rushed over to the hallway, Amy heard her robot screech and let out more aggressive electronic tones. He seemed to alarm the men Elizabeth brought too, as they took a few very wide steps back. Then she heard something that alarmed her--electric sparks, from a taser.

"Can you please tell your pet to just--chill out for a second before he fries someone?" Elizabeth called out. Amelia jogged towards it, and pulled her bushy dark hair away from her face.

"MARS, I want you to give me the taser and stand by for further instructions." She spoke firmly. The robot visibly deflated with a drawn out whine, handed her the weapon and slowly skulked away. Then she turned toward the men in the closet who at this point were both awake and very much alarmed. They both stared after the machine, holding pieces of broken plastic hangers like daggers. After it was gone they flicked their eyes all around the room and the various spare parts she kept lying around. Then when the pair saw the other men staring at them, they stood at military attention very quickly.

"At ease." The one with dark hair spoke.

"Sir? What the hell was that thing?"

"Watch your language, Wilkins." The man with dark hair spoke again. "There are ladies present." The man with auburn hair just briefly glanced at Amelia from the corner of his eye, then ignored her as he looked around with wide, dark eyes. Even with his nonchalant behavior, he appeared to be just as lost as the intruders.

The large man, Wilkins, looked at her and Elizabeth and murmured an apology. Then he cautiously stepped out of his fabric-encased makeshift fortress and asked another question.

"Colonel Tavington, where are we?"

"We are currently in the home of a female scientist, gentlemen, in the year two-thousand and sixteen." The man, Tavington answered in an even, grim voice.

"Two thousand and sixteen?" Wilkins stared at him, stupified, as the burly man behind him slowly climbed off of the pile of linens in a daze.

"How?" He asked no one in particular, his deep voice was faint and weak. This was the first time he's spoken at all. "The last thing I remember I... I was dying." He looked down at his stomach and felt around an area of it. He let out a few short, gasping breaths and his sky blue eyes closed. Wilkins just crossed his arms and seemed to close in on himself as he scanned all around him in a paranoid manner.

"Bordon, I know that this is quite a shock, but I trust that you and Wilkins can keep your composure for just a little longer. There is no explanation for how this happened, or how to rectify the matter. However, it is of utmost importance that we handle ourselves correctly even in these... unusual circumstances."

Bordon opened his eyes again. "Yes Colonel." He seemed fine to Amy now, although she's never been very good at reading body language or facial expressions. Wilkins seemed to change the way he carried himself too. What Amy didn't realize was how reluctantly they forced themselves to maintain a stiff upper lip. Or how coldly they regarded the apparent Colonel.

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