Chapter 5:The Morning After

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Do I still need the disclaimer? I'll say I don't own The Patriot anyway, only because I don't want to get sued. I do own several Van Halen CDs, though!

"Well, I'll leave you alone then. If you need anything, my room is just across the hall. Goodnight."

Elizabeth went to her bedroom, shutting the door. After a moment of consideration, she locked it too. She sat on her bed and thought about her new guest.

'I hope he'll be a little more pleasant after he gets used to this time period. He's so imtimidating! And his eyes could probably bore a hole in my skin when he glares at me. I'd much rather have those eyes to look into mine as he--"

Whoa, wait a minute! Where the hell did that come from? She shook her head and gave a low drawn out groan, trying to clear her mind. Indulging in fantasies about a complete stranger is just going to end badly. She started to think about some actual concerns. Like how to introduce him to technology without making him faint or accuse her of witchcraft.

'He seems to be taking things well enough so far. He didn't try to burn me at the stake when I showed him my cell phone or drove him home. I'll have to show him the stuff around the house, for now. Starting tomorrow. "

But Elizabeth also had to admit that she was excited. Aside from her mixed feelings (including the brief hint of carnal desire that alarmed her quite a lot,) she was fascinated by Tavington at an intellectual level. After all, it's not everyday she gets to meet someone that lived two centuries ago and is still alive and well. If all goes well, pehaps she can somehow send him back home and make a scientific breakthrough in the process. With a satisfied smile, she changed into an old t-shirt and a pair of shorts and climbed into bed.

Elizabeth woke up at about 7:00 the next morning to the sound of rock music and a man shouting. She rushed to the living room and saw her guest crouching in a corner, covering his ears, and wincing. Her stereo was on, blaring Eddie Van Halen at full volume. She rushed to the stereo, paused the music, and turned to the man.

The poor guy was shaking on the floor. His long brown hair fell to his shoulders, his white puffy shirt giving her a peek at his manly chest. He was still covering his ears, his handsome face was still contorted, and his eyes were shut. She tapped him on one muscular shoulder and they snapped open. He slowly lowered his arms and stood up. Now that he noticed he wasn't alone anymore, he tried to regain his composure.

"I see you found the stereo."

The Colonel apparently noticed the shorts she was wearing. He blushed a little and averted his eyes. Elizabeth had to bite back a smirk.


Still not looking at her, he held up the stereo's remote control. "I simply wanted to see what this box does. I pressed several buttons, and what sounded of the Devil's ravings came spouting out of nowhere!"

"Uh-huh. Well, that device you're holding is a remote control. It controls this machine," She pressed 'play' on the stereo. The song continued, causing Tavington to wince again, then she paused it again. "which plays music."

"You call that music!?" He exclaimed, looking back at her. He blushed again and suddenly became very interested in a bit of wall a little ways behind her. He stood at military attention to try and hide his discomfort. It didn't work.

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