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One Year Later

I had friends once. I also had a mother, a father and out there somewhere I have a brother. The police were trying to find him for me but Will told me that there is an eighty percent chance that he is dead too. I guess that was the way my life was supposed to me.

I walked to his grave with a red rose in my hands. Every time I tried to deny my feelings for Jared I found myself falling more in love with me, so I stopped caring and the feelings slowly disappeared. I only had a small amount of feelings for him and I as I walked to his grave I knew that this was going to be the last time that I would stop by his grave.

I knelt down and ran my hand over his tombstone. Jared Ryan Branch will be dearly missed by loved ones, is what his tombstone said. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply before I opened them again. I dropped a rose onto his grave and I rose to my feet. I couldn't stay in the cemetery for long because the funerals that I had arranged for my family and the ones I had attended for my friends made me like the place even less.

I walked away from the life I had had a year ago and into the wide world that was out there. Pain had taken over my heart but over time I would heal, after all I had a new life ahead of me and there was chance that I had a loved one out there. So with final glance over my shoulder I said goodbye to my friends and family. I whipped my head straight ahead and walked to my car while pulling the keys out. There was a whole world I could explore but first I was going to try and find my brother.

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