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The next morning I woke up with Jungkook next to me. He was hugging my waist but he was not in his pajamas, he was in white button up shirt.

His shirt was kinda open but he was covered in glitter and had kiss marks on his face, he also reeked of alcohol.

I took out my phone and texted him cause I'm too lazy to talk

Wednesday 8:38 am

Jiqueen69: Bro

His phone beeped and he opened his eyes. He turned around still hugging my waist and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. He turned back around and lay his head on my stomach while holding his phone.

Jiqueen69: Bro get the fuvk off me ur heavy

Kookie💀: No it feels nice ;>

Jiqueen69: Why you smell like alcohol tho?

Kookie💀: I went to a party last night duh

Jiqueen69: Wtf? How didn't I notice?

Kookie💀: Cause you sleep like a pig 🐷

Jiqueen69: Boiii don't make me

Kookie69: lol whatever

Jiqueen69: Bro get up we have school in an hr

Seen at 8:45

Omg how dare he leave me on seen!!
I hit his head cause he left me on seen then went back to sleep on me.

"Bitch how dare you you leave me on seen" I say while trying to push him off but he just hugged my waist tighter

"You made me, don't mention school I'll zone out" he sleepily said

"Ugh whatever just get off I have to shower and take you so we can register you." I say and push him leaving him cuddling my pillow

I showered and walked out of the restroom and changed in my walk-in closet. Jungkook suddenly walks in while I'm changing. I scream.

"Bro don't you see I'm changing in MY closet?!" I yell at him

He smirks and bends down to my level "excuse me BRO, This closet is also half mine remember?" He asks still smirking

Ugh why, Jesus, why? I love changing in here so I don't have to walk all the way to get my clothes from my drawer.

"Fine. But turn around" I say

He turns around and takes out his phone. I didn't think much when he took out his phone until I heard clicking sounds.

He giggles and I attack him "what are you doing?!!" I said

"Catching your derp face" he laughs

"No! Delete it fucker!!" I yell

"Relax it will delete ..... in 24 hours" he smirks and walks away

24 hours? Don't tell me it's snapchat. I hate that thing.
Whatever it's like I don't post my derps online anyway.

I walk out of the room and head downstairs


Kookie💀: Whale!! Get down here 😏😏

Jiqueen69: I swear to GoD u FUCKING!!!

I grab a quick breakfast and head out with Jungkook to school

°at the school gate

"Okay go to the office and register and then meet me during lunch" I say and walk away

"Aren't you gonna show me around?" He ask

"I'm sure others are interested to do so" I point to the massive amounts of girls staring at him

He smirks

"Nah, I'll text you when I need help...bro" And he proceeds too walk away.

He looks super hot just now...

Shut the fuck up Min Yoonji.

I walk to class and see him sitting on a random desk which of course happens to be mine

I walk to him "get off my desk." I say

He smirks and raises his eyebrows
"Oh this is yours? Great. Well I found a new seat"

"What? No I like it here" I retort

"I do too" he smirks

"...fine!" I sit next to him

"You could've just asked to sit next to me other than lying about your seat" he said

"Yah! I didn't. But you want to sit there I really don't mind" I say calmly

"Good" he smiles

Woah that smile

°After school at home


Kookie💀: Babe you should come with me to a party later tonight 💗

Jiqueen69: Ew don't call me that and nah

Kookie💀: Whyyy I promise it'll be fun

Kookie💀 changed your name to »Babe😘

Babe😘: Bro you better change that back and no, I don't like parties.

Kookie💀: No, I won't change it, but I'll make sure you say yes by tonight~ bye 😘

Babe😘: Ew no



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