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Knock knock knock knock

Who the hell is knocking on our window right now?? Ugh

I stopped kissing yoonji and groaned as I pressed the button to roll the windows.

"Yes?" I ask nonchalantly even though my girlfriend is on my lap

"Yoonji you forgot your phone~" it was taehyung. Why does this girl always forget her phone?

"Ooh thank you, Taehyung! Your awesome" Yoonji smiled at him

She never shows me that smile tf? I cover her mouth with my palm

"Kay bye taehyung get back to work now" I smile and roll up the window

Turning back at Yoonji I raise a brow "what?" She asks innocently

"You never smiled like that at me in a long time" I whine and pout

"Really? Your such a baby" she rolls her eyes

"I'm your baby~" I hug her waist

"Yes, now drive jeon Jungkook" she commanded as she sat in her seat, me on the other hand just sighed and went to the drivers seat and drove us home.



My eyes immediately opened as soon as I heard a scream next to me

"Ahhhh!! What's wrong?!" I yelled

"You kicked my pepper~ T T" Jungkook went into a fetus position and cradled himself

Omg, I turned red due to holding in my laughter "he...hehe I'm s-sorry beb, are you okay?"

He turned around and wraps his arms around me as he sulks into my chest

ding ding

Oh his phone.


junghoe: Tiff!!

Tiff: What hoe?

Junghoe:Come to school w/ me and Yoonji!

Tiff:Ew! Wat? No, I hate her!

Junghoe:Please T T bff

Tiff:Ugh fine -.-

Junghoe:Kay, come to the house in 20 min

Tiff:Yep sure

Junghoe:And please be nice to her, okay? Tiff!

Junghoe is offline

Tiff:I still love you...bye hoe



"Hurry baby, we're gonna be late!"

I called Yoonji from downstairs

"Coming! My bra is stuck"

Haha my clumsy cutie

"Okay I'm done! Lets go hoe!" She grabbed a piece of Nutella toast

"Yah! Don't call me hoe" I pinch her butt.

She whimpered in pain and I giggle

"Oh by the way, jimin is picking us up" I tell her while locking the front door

"Why are we carpooling?" She groans

"Cause, the car looks dirty and I don't have time to wash it now."

She slaps my butt "really? That's why? But I hate carpooling~" she whines

I pull her waist and shut her up by kissing her deeply. I can feel her smile. I miss kissing her like this, pure motherfucking bLISS

"Ahem!" We got startled and pulled away

"Tiffanny!! My bestie!~" I run to her and hug her

"Yeah yeah, hi hoe" she rolls her eyes "please don't smooth in front of my beautiful face, thanks" she sassily smiles

Ooh I miss this Tiffany

Suddenly Jimin pulled up in his car

"Guys hurry we're gonna be late!" Mina warns us

"Hi bestie" Mina tells Yoonji "heyyy~ love"

"Uhhh Jimin there's only 2 seats. What kind of car is this?" I ask

"A sports car dummy. Now hurry" jimin says

Tiffany pushes me in the car and to my surprise she sits on my lap

Yoonji gives me a death glare and ignores me to talk to Mina

"Sorry hoe. O-only option I had if you wanted me to tag along" Tiffany whispered to me

"I-it's fine I guess tiff"

*sweat* *sweat*

Damn this is awkward....

I could tell she was blushing and so was I... please don't tell me I...no! Maybe it's just hormones Jungkook!

You can have a war of hormone with Yoonji later at home.

I looked at Yoonji, she gave me sad eyes

I mouthed 'I'm sorry baby' but she just turned around to look out the window

It wasn't even my fault tho...


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