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I hope you all like this book, it's going to be really good but probably only 10 chapters..but that's all and..enjoy😈🎶


Sign the fucking papers, sign all them off, repeat, have 5 patients a day, spend 8 hours each with each and every one, repeat.

I work at Clairemont Mental Asylum as a Phycologist and therapist. I liked to know about the human Brain and how it worked, how everyone was categorized as three types of people. I liked figuring out metal insanity because it gave me something to do, something to solve. I don't think my job ever is boring for me; well..I shouldn't say that. Whenever I get done with a patient and solving their problems and the process is over I guess I do feel somewhat bored with it..like it needs a bit of a more type of eccentricity to it. A flare, I guess you'd say.

I looked up at the girl with the long dark hair covering her eyes. She was Taylor Jardine, one of my youngest patients. Thirteen and a kleptomaniac who tried to hang her four year old little brother three times. She wasn't allowed to use her hands, so she just gazed at everything open-eyed, her head jerking every time she'd look away from something. When she looked up at me with her big brown eyes full of innocence, she looked as if she were in derailment.

"Taylor?" I asked her with compassion, and carefully. If I approach her the wrong way her brain might not react well to how my tone is and she could get anxiety, "explain a word to me."

"A-a...ny word?" She stuttered, and she bit her lip, her head jerking to the floor.

I nodded my head slowly, as we met eye contact with her, "any word of your choice."


I smiled slightly, "and why is that?"

Taylor then had an outburst. Her feet began to kick at me, and she screamed. It was a painful scream, I then usher quickly out my seat and sat her down calmly. "Taylor, Taylor.." I whispered to her, "breathe."

Taylors eyes then began to shut, and her body had relaxed. When I thought she was perfectly relaxed, I moved my chair next to hers but not too close. She stared at the wall for a while, "Father Jo would always say that I was special." She paused, "he always said princess's deserve special things..s-so...e-very night Father Jo would come in my room and touch m-my princess parts..he said it was always a special gift f-for me and n-nobody else..a-and so since I was his favorite he told me to hang little jimmy and I screamed at Father Jo. I told him I ain't want nothin' to do w-with that. He told me if I didn't kill baby jimmy that he'd force me to suck his Big-boy parts and r-record me and then mama and daddy would find o-out. And then he would tell me about how I couldn't see the blonde girl jenna anymor' cause I'm a faggot."


Scotch. Yeah, I downed a shit ton of it. I was at the bar and it was late at night. I knew a lot of people in this joint, actually. There weren't many people here after hours, the atmosphere was filled with endless chatter and some aggression and some laughter. I liked to sometimes listen to conversations of people, you could figure a lot out about a person by just getting to know the lingo of how they spoke.

"Bostwick," said a voice, it was Andy's, I grinned and looked up at him.

"Sup, Biersack?"

"Drinkin' alone?" He washed a glass with a white cloth and threw it over his shoulder.

I chuckled, "I needed a drink..just the shit I hear sometimes just.."

"What do you mean?" He leaned against the counter, and he stunk from his water bottle.

I shrugged, "ah you know just-- today for example. There was this beautiful young girl I spoke to today.." I sighed, "some things we discuss are confidential but..shit, all I'm saying is that some people are just so.."

"Sick?" Andy questioned.

"Yeah.." I trailed off, "just sick-"


An alarming noise had interrupted Andy and I's conversation and when I turned around, there was an explosion. There was fire and smoke everywhere, whoever had blasted in here, broke through the glass window. Filaments of glass was flying everywhere and all the men at the bar began throwing their beers and drinks at the intruder. I had to admit that I was shocked; a thick wave of trauma had came over me and suddenly I had the feeling that I was going to die. But being quick, I ran behind the bar where Andy was, when I looked at him, I saw that he had a pistol and aimed it at where the glass window was. There was still a bunch of smoke covering the whole, and you couldn't see who was coming in. But it was a tall man, and although I was impressed at his height, he was laughing. Manically. And in his hands where two AK-47's.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." He laughed, slowly and in a very dark tone of voice.

"Fucking come closer and stop taking your time you piece of shit!" Yelled Andy, as he aimed the pistol as to where this weird guy was coming from. The smoke was beginning to diminish, and I made out a huge grin coming from his face. Intriguing but at the same time creepy. What the hell was his deal?

As he finally walked in closet; He was wearing a mask??? And beside him where two people dressed in onesies but high-quality guns. I was terrified. This was worst than the clown-sightings.

The man laughed again darkly, "I can't wait to show you all my toys."

{to be continued}

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