Chapter 14- One Last Night

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"Two rooms, please," Reiko said to the kind lady behind the counter.

She didn't so much as look at the unsuspicious traveler when she passed him two keys.

"See," he said, turning to Cecily, "simple. Next time, do it yourself."

She glared at him, but turned to get the others anyways.


Reiko plopped down on the comfy couch. The other four had already gathered in the single room they planned on staying in until late.

"So much for roughing it," he sighed, popping open a can of soda.

He caught Cecily's eye following his movements and raised his eye in question. She simply shrugged, turning away.

"I vote we go out for dinner tonight," Reiko continued, looking at the prince. "Some kind of last night, huh? You know, just in case."

Zephyr nodded from where he was standing behind the couch. "Of course we will. It's tradition."

"Damn, the oldies real made some good traditions, huh? Where're we going?"

Zephyr shrugged. "Wherever you want. I have no preferences. Money isn't really a problem right now, you know? The palace funds."

"How about somewhere nice?" Alma suggested. "I mean, you know, somewhere peaceful."

Reiko let out a snort. "How about somewhere loud? Somewhere that feels normal."

"A bar," Cecily said.

They looked at her.

"Our Saint's too young," Orion said.

Cecily looked at the little Saint and Reiko swore he saw the girl shudder under the gaze. "The legal age around here's eighteen. She can pass."

"Or," Zephyr offered, "she just doesn't drink."

"I like his idea," Alma said. "Besides, are you old enough?"

For a second, Reiko thought he saw a smirk dance on her lips, but only for a second. "I'm twenty-three."

A blink was the most surprise she got out of the assassin, but Alma's jaw actually dropped a little.

This time, there really was a smirk on Cecily's lips. A cute, dangerous little thing. But beautiful. none the less. Everything about the cunning murderer was.


As much as Orion hated to admit it, going to a bar was a great idea. He shared Cecily's sentiments exactly and thought he had a pretty go idea about what she was thinking.

A good time. That's what she was after, whatever her idea of a good time was. However many years she spent in that prison, he doubted she ever had anything verging on a good time. And when she got out, she was given something near a death sentence. He'd be asking for a good time too, if he was in her shoes. Well, he was close.

As they sat down in the loud bar, he wondered what she'd consider a good time. Sex? No, not after that prison. Gorging herself? Maybe. He heard they were cutting foo supplies in the prison to cut back on prisoners. Still, if she really was ass skilled as she made him believe, he doubted she'd worry about taking food. With her, things were just too confusing.

Still, he was curious. He watched her sit down at the table, back turned to the wall. He'd noticed her speed up just to get to the seat that had her back against a wall.

The bar was dark, but loud. People stood up to dance in the center of the room across a brightly lit and constantly changing dance floor. He caught the gazes of more than a few people. guys and girls alike, sliding over the small group. Cecily specifically.

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