Stalked by Him (Harry Styles Demon/Vampire fanfic)

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Hi guys. My name is Samantha and this is my second fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it and I apologize for any spelling mistakes along the way. enjoy the book.


"Honey its time to wake up" my mother called. I groaned in response "5 more minutes please" I shouted back, I waited for a response, nothing. I turned my face so that I could see the clock, it read 7:05am, I sighed to myself and sat up, I stretched my body out and let out a loud and very odd noise...

Oh sorry where are my manners? My name is Lea I'm 15 years old and live in England but I'm Australian, weird hey? nah not really I was born in Melbourne, Australia but moved to Holmes Chapel, England when my father died. I was only 9 at the time. I live here with my mum and I attend Holmes Chapel secondary school. My best friends are Charli, Mikaela and Antonia but only Charli and Mikaela go to school with me. Antonia had to stay in Australia but we always call each other. I'm in year 9 and do gymnastics, my best friend Charli is a fantastic football (soccer) player and Mikaela is a very talented Drawer/Artist and Pianist. So that's a little bit about me, Don't worry you'll get to know me better further into the story but for now that's all thw basic info. Get back to you soon. Lea xo

I quickly kicked off my doona and walked towards the bathroom with my towel and dressing gown in ny hand, I walked into the bathroom and locked the door I tired back around and turned on the taps for the shower, I felt the water it was just right not to hot yet not to cold. I stripped down on my clothes and stepped out of my clothes that were puddled around my feet. I had totally forgotten that my phone was still in my pajama shorts until I heard a loud thud on thw ground. I sighed and picked up my phone placing it on the bench next to the shower. I stepped in the shower and let the warm water soak into my skin whilst closing my eyes.

*5 minutes later*(sorry)

I turned the taps off and grabbed my towel that was hanging over the edge of thw shower door, I wrapped it around my body and stepped out of the shower. I brushed my dark red hair (which I dyed not long ago, it was dark brown) I brushed it out of my face and back behind my ears. Weirdly I suddenly got the feeling as though I was being watched, I turned around, nothing. I shook off the feeling and walked back into my room with all my stuff in my hands. I walked towards my cupboard and opened it looking around on what to wear, all I grabbed out was a pair of black leggings, a purple singlet and a purple hoodie which read 'Hug Me'. I chucked my clothes on my bed and dropped my towel, I grabbed some under garments from my drawer next to my bed and put them on, I then put my clothes on and tied my hair back into a nice tight ponytail. I grabbed my bag for school and walked down stairs "Hi Mum, Bye Mum" I yelled out as I grabbed an apple from the counter "Bye sweety have a great day" she replied. I swung open the front door and stepped outside whilst shutting the door behind me. I was walking down thw street when I felt a heavy breathe on my neck, I stopped walking, I stood there, nothing. I turned around nothing, it was probably my imagination, I continued walking when I reached the front gates of my school. I made my way in and headed straight towards my locker, I put in my locker combination 32 48 94 ( sorry if that's anyone's locker combo, tell me and i'll change it) and opened it. I grabbed my first two suject books for the day Music and Food.Tech, I smiled to myself the best two subjects in a row woho!!! I shut my locker and made my way to my first class, I walked into the classroom and sat down in the very back where I usually sit. The students started to come in one by one until we had a full class. I got so bored because It was a theory class, I shut my eyes and let my imagination rub wild.

*45 minutes later*(sorry again)

I opened my eyes when I heard the bell ring letting us know that thw period (class) had ended. I smiled to myself and stood up collecting my books, suddenly a note fell out of my book. I picked it up and it read...

Lea, dear Lea

You should know not to fall asleep in class, your lucky the teacher didn't catch you. I watched you walk to school today, we live near each other.

-H x

ps- next time you drop your towel make sure no one can see through because I got a very good view of your sexy body babe ;).

My face dropped... Holy crap

Hey guys. I'm so sorry if this was a very bad start to the book. I'll male it better. please vote and comment and give me any ideas.

thanks so much.

Sam xo

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