Thirsty for Blood

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Harry's P.O.V

My legs keep running, running until they get tired. My breathe is dry, I haven't fed in weeks. Anything with blood running through its precious juicy veins makes my mouth water. That's what I need, blood.

I stop for a second when I hear a snap of a twig, I'm in a forest, no idea where but I am. Im hoping to find someone alone.

My legs lag being me from being so thirsty because I haven't fed for days, my vision is going blurry as I start going in and out of consciousness and my body starts to shut down.

My back hunches over from my exhaustion and it's becoming more and more difficult to keep my eyes open. I abruptly holt as a whiff of human aroma fills my nostrils, the scent is so sweet that my thoughts of hunger vanish, I look up and my fangs instantly come out. I notice an all too familiar figure.....Lea.

It's Lea!!

My mind it telling me to run towards her and hug her, wait hug her? What the hell has gotten into me? Hug her? Wow good going Harry cause she would totally want to hug a vampire, Idiot. I'm talking to myself, how bloody sad. I sound like a crazy person....well I am crazy.

Okay stop it Harry, pull yourself together

I edged closer and closer, but being the dumb person I am I step on a twig, causing her to turn around. Shit.

Her faced looked at me with complete horror, eyes showing fear. As I move closer she moves backwards afraid that if I get to her I'll do something horrible, well I kind of am about to do something horrible to her, idiot.

She's who I am, she's who I've been watching for years.

I can't just simply let her get away, I've let her get away before and that was a mistake, I'm a vampire I don't let people go.

Before I know it I'm back to reality looking at the ground, I suddenly notice I can't smell her anymore, I look up and find she's gone. Well whoopty fucking do I've lost her, bloody dumb ass.

"Lea" I scream out as I pick my pace up frantically searching for her.

What if she's hurt? What if she's been taken ,what am I gonna do then?

"Lea" I scream out again panic showing through my voice. I can't let her get her she's all I need. I need to have her for survival and if she dies or gets hurt I do to.

But God do I need blood. Her blood smells so thick and rich, exactly what I need. I can only imagine the pain showing throughout her face as I sink my teeth into her, her cry would cause my heart to tighten knowing that I'm the one causing her this pain.

I hear a cry, it's Lea. I find myself running trying to find her before someone else does. I instantly smell her again, that rich smell of her blood fills my nose. I find my mouth watering, I realise I'm not panting of thirst anymore like I was.

When a vampire is hungry and hasn't fed for a while they become slow and weak but as soon as they get near their target in anticipation their body becomes stronger trying to get to them as quickly as possible to sustain their needs.

I look up finding her on the ground, blood dripping down her legs, she's hurt herself. Well this is great isn't it.

Wait! It actually is great! If she becomes weak then it'll make it easier to sink my fangs into her. I'll just wait around till she's very weak, almost dead then I'll go in for the kill.

Okay now I'm talking crazy, maybe I am crazy?

Yep everyone there's a crazy vampire dude right here.

I suddenly widen my eyes as she speaks, whimpers leaving her mouth in pain.

"Harry, please. I need your help, I'm loosing blood and I need help" she cries.

You can already hear how much pain she's in. Her voice cracks by the end of the sentence.

I step forward, closing the distance between us.

Inch by inch the gap because smaller until I'm sitting on the ground right next to her.

I look at her leg and see a very deep cut on it.

"I fell over a branch and it got caught on my leg" she tells me, her voice sounding not as scared.

I hum in response. The next thing she does is weird, something I've never in counted before.

She inches closer and ends up lying her back into my chest. Her legs in between mine.

I can hear her heart beat, getting slower and slower by the second. The more seconds pass the weaker her body gets.

I feel sympathetic towards her, I hate seeing her in pain. It kills me, but at the same times it's a good thing. It's what I need.

"Lea" I speak, "how are you feeling? Do you feel like your body is shutting down?" I ask curiously, even though I know how she already feels.

I hear a hum in response, I'm assuming she is saying yes.

I carefully listen to her heartbeat slowing down by the minute.

"Harry, help me" she cries weakly.

"Okay babe, just relax. I'll take all the pain away, you just need to trust me" I speak to her softly.

"Okay, I trust you" she replies.

I sit her up straight and sit up behind her to support her. I carefully take her hair and pull it away from her shoulder, creating space to her neck.

I breathe in her rich aroma, it becomes more and more addictive. Her body slumps back but my hand quick to support her back so she doesn't fall.

"Okay babe, this'll hurt just a little but I promise you it'll be okay" I speak to her, not really bothered if I get a response or not.

I feel my fangs start to come out in hunger, my mouth watering almost like a waterfall.

I move my mouth closer to her skin, leaving careful and soft kisses all over her shoulder and neck trying to find the perfect vein.

Once I find it I move up closer kissing her neck one last time before my fangs pierce her skin digging into her neck.

She cries out in pain trying to break free of my grip but her body being too weak it doesn't work.

I try to relax her but I let my hunger get the better of me.

She's hitting my body trying to break loose, but nothing works.

I feel horrible for causing her so much pain but I need it. I need blood for survival.

She cries and cries, begging me to let go. I can't. It's not that simple.

As her rich blood runs down my throat I instantly feel stronger, my hunger vanishing.

After a minute more or drinking her addictive blood I release her.

Her body lumps to the ground.

Holy shit what have I done? Did I kill her?

I check her pulse, she doesn't have one. Great now I've killed the girl I like.

Panic begins to take over my body the more the seconds pass.

I need her to be alive, I need my mate.

I'll do the first thing that comes to mind......

I'll take her and change her.

Hiiiiiiiiii, yes I am not dead. It's been months and months and I'm so very sorry. I know that school shouldn't be an excuse but it's mine. I don't like it because I just completely forgot about my own stories because of the stress. I had a teacher pass away a week ago and just a couple of days ago had a family friend pass away. I'm so so so sorry it took me so bloody long. I'm thinking of ideas for the other story Poster Boy so if anyone has any ideas for this story or my other one please let me know. Thank you for being so patient with me, I'll try and update when I can.

All the love,

Sam xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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