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Hey guys. Sam here

I know it's been months and months since the last update but I'm not updating anymore. I have lost all hope in both my books. School is in the way and I have nothing to write about, unless someone is willing to write the chapters and I give them film credit for it I can not write anymore. It's like a deep dark hole that I can't escape and I just don't non what to write anymore.

I am not going to delete my books because if you want to re read them (not that there's anything on this book anyways) you are more than welcomed to.

Anyone is free to message me if they have any great chapters to write about, but please understand that it will probably take me a while to update both books, if worst comes to worst the chapters may only be a page long, but please send me dot points of ideas and what happens and how it happens, or paragraphs or anything.

I'm so sorry to let you all down, but it's a pain in the a** not knowing on what to write about.

Feel free to message me any thoughts or ideas, but keep in mind I may not update regularly (not that I was doing that anyways)

Thank you all for your support and taking the time to read my books, the amount of reads is incredible and I really appreciate it.

Thank you for everything

Yours truly

Samantha. K xxxxxxxx

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