ii: XI

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I woke up again and my head ache was gone. I still feel pain in my lower back but I'm okay.

"Hey, Liz." I saw Tom sitting beside my bed with a bandage on his left eye

He looked like a pirate.

"How are you?" Tom said with a sad smile.

I said as I attempted to sit up. I looked around and gasped.

The hospital.

"What happened?"

"The driver lost control of the bus and we crashed." He sighed and murmured something.

"What?" I asked him.


"Tom, tell me!"

"Mel is still in the ICU.." He said loudly, causing him to get teary-eyed. "A-and they said she might not make it."

"W-wha-" I was interrupted when Shawn entered.

"Hey Tom is Li-" He immediately darted his eyes on me. "H-hey.." He awkwardly greeted.

I stared at him for a moment and then I turned to Tom, "Why is he here?"

He looked at me and said, "I might've called them..?"

"I thought.." I turned my attention to Shawn, "Why are you guys still here?!"


"You lied to me, Tom.." I sighed.

"I'm sorry Liza.. I honestly wanted it to be just the three of us but Sh--"

"Shawn?! Why the hell would you give in to that stupid plan?!"

"I-i just wanted you to be happy!"


We suddenly heard the door creaking.

Tom immediately stood up and I sighed, slowly shaking my head.

"Can you leave us two alone." He said to Tom and Tom left.

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