Yap. Little Bad Girl gue bunyi dan bangungin gue yang udah tertidur dari kmaren sore. Buka hp banyak messages masuk dari soib-soib gue,gue juga lupa kabarin Titi sih.
Gue duduk sambil ngucek-ngucek mata,liat jam di hp
It still 04:30, damn. Thanks David Guetta.
Hmm tapi gue pikir ini mungkin waktu yang pas buat jalan-jalan sambil muterin asrama,toh hari ini libur juga kan.
Pas gue bangung sambil stretching, pas noleh ke samping
Gue kaget. Banget.
Gue kira, gue barusan liat penampakan ato ketindih, tapi gue inget kalo gue gak punya indra ke 6 dan badan gue masih gerak.
Yang gue liat adalah...... Hayley. Gue rasa sih Hayley.
Dia duduk di sofa kecil sambil merhatiin gue daritadi.
Yap. Hayley berambut oren merah-merah, tapi lebih ke merah sih.
Rambutnya pendek dan 'bermodel' banget. Keren dah pokonya.
Dia udah seger,habis mandi kayaknya.Ternyata dia pake make up.
God thanks for this awesome roomates,hope she had awesome attitude too.
Hayley diem. Ngliatin gue.
"So. Hi" hayley said
"Umm hi,are you hayley? Nice to meet you,I'm your new roomates,and um... I'm asian,I came from indonesia hehe" gue nyengir sambil 'sok' ramah. Gue suka hayley. (Sebagai temen)
"Yeah I'm hayley. Hayley williams, well I think you know my name since yesterday,you read my biology book right, I left it hahha" hayley laugh. Omg she so sweet.
"So how's your holiday? Really I don't get it,why you're on your holiday while we still have the scool days." Gue nanya sambil siap-siap ganti baju buat jogging.
"What? Holiday? Who said that I'm on holiday? Omg" wow. Hayley said.
"Umm Beatrix actually,she picked me up yesterday at the airport, do u know beatrix? Well she's our senior"
"Beatrix? That blonde girl? Omg hahahahah she's sososo stupid you know, yea she's one of the group in bravey,I don't know what's its called but their job should be give a tour to the new student,did se give you the tour yet?"
"Nah-_- she didn't,she said she bussy yesterday, I hate her, I don't know,I think she's a total biatchhh"
"Yup. I hate her too."
OMG did we just became best friend hayley
Thank God.
Yap gue dan Hayley get along together really fast. Yeah we hate the same person lol
Hayley anaknya asik,dia cantik pula,arghh
Gue pikir dia malah gothic gothic freak gitu,ternyata gak, don't judge a book by it's cover okay.
Gue pake hoddie gue sama sweatpants,and never forget my ipod and earphone.
"Are you.. Going to take a walk? Oh yeah who's your name? I forgot to ask,silly me,we get along each other but I don't know your name" hayley giggled.
"Hahaha I forgot too. I'm Petrica Felica, call me Petris"
"Nice name you have,
So.. Want to take a walk? I need fresh air, I can give you tour too,since nobody wake up yet. Its goind to be fun and silent" said hayley.