chapter 8

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  Ella POV

My alarm clock went off at 6am, today is my  first day at work I don't want to be late, I quickly took my phone from my right hand side across the bed and switch off the alarm, then I stood up and went straight to the bathroom  and do my morning routine,  open the tresemme shampoo wash my hair with it and took a warm shower a, for about 30 minute later I got out of the bath and now wearing my pink bathrobe, I head to my room and open my wardrobe to choose an OOTD, as I took out my black pencil skirt, white blouse and yellow brazer, I got out my make up bag then I do mascara then I put on some eyeliner than I put on some white eyeshadow so that  it will  match my outfit, after that I put on some lip gross which has no colour to make my lips looks natural I then took out my yellow clutch to makes it match with my brazer and black high heels, i when I was done I check the time which means that I still have time for breakfast so I went downstairs and mum already made me English breakfast which is baked beans, bacon, sausages, beard and some eggs.I starred at the food and it looks so yummy, in the next 30 minute I finish the food and kiss my mum on the cheeks and said my goodbye, as is my first day so I decided to take cab, few minute later am in the building , I head to his office and knock on the door twice and waited  for response before getting in, suddenly I heard a cold voice saying ''come in'' I went inside the office and I saw a man standing there and his back facing me.

''You are 2 seconds late'' he said.

''I'm sorry Sir'' I apology, well I don't know why am apologising because I knocked on the door twice and there was no response obliviously I will be late as you didn't tell me to come  in. I said this to myself and suddenly he clear his throat and snapped me out of my thoughts.

''Hmm miss whatever your name is, where is my coffee?" He asked without even looking at me.

I was about to tell him my name but he cut me off by raising his hand.

''My coffee'' he shouted

''Alright sir'' I said and went out to get his coffee what an arrogant man gosh I cant stand him any longer.

Few minute later I went back to his office and put his coffee on the desk.

"How do you know the kind of coffee I want?" He asked

''I asked sir'' well you were supposed to tell me instead of shouting at me.

"Sir what's my work for the day'' I asked.

''Follow me'' he said and I followed him gently without even looking at him

''This is your office and in the first dower there is phone and laptop in there, I have store my number and everything, and fix the fax document before noon '' he said and walked out, what an arrogant, is gonna be hell working here.

What's wrong with this arrogant and rude bastard, there was about 50 documents on the desk which I have to fix,  it will take me all day. 

few hours later

I have 25 document fixed and was so tired I didn't even had the chance to admire my new iPhone he gave me I think I will admire that later on when I get home.

I was just working when I heard a man standing in front of me , I looked up to see who it was and to my notice is Alex.

''Hi Ella'' he said.

"Hi" I said without even looking at him as I was just concentrating on the work and hoping to finished before noon as he command.

''I can see you are busy we will talk later'' he said and went out.

Few minute later I was done with the document and  knocked on the door.

"Sir I finished what you told me to do" I said.

''Okay'' that's all he said.

"Can you please tell me what to do next?" I asked him.

I'm actually really tried.

"You may close for the day and don't be late again tomorrow have I made my self clear'' he said.

"Yes sir'' I said and went out of his office.

There is something about this man called my boss, he looks familiar, everything about him, his blue ocean eyes, his cheeks, his lips accept his arrogant and rude behaviour, as the person I know isn't rude and mean like him and if not that than I will say he is the one. Well I snapped out of my though when Alex tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Ella how was your first day at Johnson's empire" he asked.

For me not to bother him with my story.

"It was good thanks'' I said.

"Alright that's what I wanted to hear I can see you are off for the day so see you tomorrow'' he said.


Before I make my way to out of the building Alex speaks again "wait Ella"

I turn around and gave him confuse look, "huh?".

"Did you introduce your self to your new Boss?". He asked me.

"No. I mean I didn't had the time to introduce myself But I think he knows about me. And You told me that you will give the information about me to h-.." He cut off me.

"Sorry I didn't gave him any personal detail about you"

"Sorry. What do you mean?" I asked him.

I was so confuse. I mean I'm his P.A. and he doesn't know anything about me. How is that possible?.

Will you give anyone job like that?

Of course NO.

"Sorry Ella. I told him about you but I didn't told him about your name and I thought it would be great if you introduce yourself. I mean. Tell him your Name and give him little summary about your past".

"Hmm." I really don't know what to say.

"Okay. Never mind. But will you do something for me?" He asked me.


I mean come on man he was the one who gave me job so I can do something for him.

"Can you introduce yourself to him. You can do that tomorrow. But please do it" he told me, as if me introducing myself to the arrogant boss mean the world to him, i was even planning to do it.  

"Yeah. I mean Okay, I will do tomorrow"

"Thanks Ella" I gave him  a big simile and said, "Okay Bye Alex".

"Bye Ella, See you tomorrow" he gave me really warm simile.

"Bye see ya '' I said and make my way out of the building, what a stressful day. hope tomorrow will be better.


Another chapter happy reading .

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