Chapter 10

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 Ella Pov

"I said Sit" he repeated himself for the third time. I was still in shock How someone can change that quick? But before I could think more I decided to take a seat.

"Y-yes Sir" I said and confusion was written on my face.

"Miss I know You don't like me calling you that right?" He asked me.

Of course not idiot, 

"No, I mean not really because l was given a beautiful name by my parents, and I like the name given to me,which is more better than the stupid name you gave me " I answered him while looking down,  as i cant make eye contact with him .

What if he suddenly gets angry and fire me, No away I'm going to take any risk.

"Okay" he said.

"Huh?" I don't know what else to say.

"So, Can you tell me your name?" He asked me politely.


"Hmm.... S-Sir" I started stuttering all of a sudden. I think it's because I'm nervous.

"Listen Miss, I'm not going to harm you" I nodded and he continue speaking "So make yourself calm and answer my question And I'm asking you because It's good for the communication you know" he said I nodded my head again.

"Sir I'm 20 years old ordinary girl who lives with her mum and I moved to New Year about a year ago because of my mum's health" I told him and looked at him to see his expression.

Useless because his expressions was blank.

"What happen to your Mum" he asked.

"Oh she had cancer" I was confused once again I mean why would he care about me and my family.

"I'm Sorry about that" he said and I looked in his eyes to see what kind of person he is.

"It's not your fault Sir" I told him.

"And your father" he asked me the question that I was trying to ignore for while.

"He's no more with us, He's d..." before I could finish my sentence he stopped me.

"It's alright, you don't have to say"

It looks like we have really strong bond where he can read my mind and my heart without any compilation. It looks like we both known each other for a long time.

"Thank you Sir" I told him.

"And Your Name" he changed the subject.

"Sir my name is Ella Winter" I told him with so much confidences.

Mr Johnson looked so shocked, like he saw alien.

But why he's looking at me like that.

Ash's POV...

She came in my office and I told her to sit despite all I could see a shock on her face as she sat down on the chair while starring down without even making an eye contact with me, I wasn't able to take my eyes off her she looks gorgeous in that dress, would she be my El?. Staring into her beautiful blue eyes which reminds me of the ocean and am totally lost in them, come on Ashley snap out of it she might be engaged or maybe marriage, and you also have a finance my conscious speaks,the last time I visited El .I was told she moved out a year ago, will it be what am thinking?

"Am terribly sorry for your lost and your mum's conditions" I said.

I'm quite shocked that she lost her father and her Mother has cancer, She's such a strong woman even all this she still smile, I wish nothing happens to my El nor she go though all this shit, I was able to get lots of details from Miss whatever but than damn she's not telling her name.It looks like it's some kind of soap opera where she will tell her name to me and I will be shocked and also everything will be stop as well.

Ha-ha Stupid Rights?

She told me everything but forgot her name.

"And Your name ?" I asked her, still hoping  for good.

She had a happy smile on her face right now which reminds me of El How she used to love when someone asked her name. She was so proud of her name.

"Sir my name is Ella winter" she replied.

WHAT? Tears drop down from my face, couldn't move for about a minute"Sir are you okay?" She asked.

She is in front of me now what should I do? Should I tell her who I am? What if she run away and never comes back to me, come on Ashley she will never do that and beside she will be glad to see you after so many years my conscious tell me.

 she is her,  grown into  a big girl  or should I say Woman.

Ella Winter is in front of me the girl am dying to have in my arms,I won't let her go this time.

"EL" I called her but she suddenly, and saw the shock expression on her face, she was smiling a minute long, why suddenly changed of mood, maybe the nickname i just called, which means she remember me.

"Loved one call me El to YOU is Ms winter " she replied for that moment I felt a gun shoot in my chest when she said that. I think I should let her know who I am, but what if she run away. i will take risk, she wont run away, she hate me now.


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