Chapter 19. Alten

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I lean my cheek against the empty wall and close my eyes.

With no warning at all, I'm pulled into a dream, not a daydream, but a full-blown dream, one I seemingly can't wake up from, no matter how hard I try.

It's dark all around me and I can see nothing. There's no water but it feels like I'm drowning. I can't breathe and I can hear myself choking. I feel like I'm dying and it's the most scary feeling in the world.

Is this how Alten felt after he got stabbed? Was he as scared as I am now?

I try to force myself out of the dream and for a few minutes I think I've succeeded. I find myself back in the hotel corridor, sitting on the ground, my cheek pressed against the wall.

But almost right away, I'm back inside my dark dream world, fighting to breathe, fighting to scream, but unable to do either.

I close my eyes and try to calm myself, but my mind is a big spinning ball of terror and panic. I can't think. I can't breathe. I can't scream.

I'm going to die.

That's the last, terrifying thought I have before the darkness closes in around me and everything just fades into nothing and disappears. 

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