Again, you and Luke were meditating. However, Yoda wasn't on Luke's foot this time. He was sitting on a rock talking to the both of you. He told you two how a Jedi can see the future, the past, and the present. Almost immediately after he said that, Luke opened his eyes,
"Han....Leia!" He exclaimed and fell over once again dropping all of the rocks and R2.
Yoda walked over to him. He asked what Luke saw.
"I saw...I saw a city in the clouds." He spoke.
"Close friends have you there?" Yoda asked.
Luke kind of gave a nod and kept speaking, "They were in pain."
You walked closer to them interested in the conversation. Yoda closed his eyes and agreed.
"Will they die?" Luke asked.
"Always in motion, the future is." Yoda answered.
Luke looked away from the little green alien and stood up.
"I have to go after them." He said.
"But Luke, the training." You said.
"Y/n, they're our friends. We can't just let them die." He argued.
You became silent and nodded. The two of you were going to Cloud City.
• • • • •
You handed supplies to Luke and he put them in his x-wing. Yoda was talking trying to pursuade you to stay.
"You must complete the training!" Yoda called.
"I can't keep the image out of my head. They're my friends I've got to help them!" Luke exclaimed.
"You must not go!" Yoda yelled.
"But Han and Leia will die if I don't." Luke said. Then, there was a voice that came from behind you.
"You don't know that." The voice said.
You froze and you felt your blood get cold.
You turned around and saw his ghost walking towards the group.
"Even Yoda cannot see their fate." He said.
"But I can help them! I feel the force!" Luke spoke.
"But you can't control it! This is a dangerous time for the both of you when you will be tempted by the dark side." More wise words from your father.
"Yes, yes. To Obi Wan you listen. The cave. Remember your failure at the cave." Yoda said directing it to Luke.
The cave?
You still didn't know what Luke had seen or found down there. But failure? He seemed to come back alright. In one piece. Just stunned. Whatever was down there must have helped pursuade him to work harder at becoming a Jedi.
You had completely zoned out and missed much of the conversation."If you choose to face Vader, you will do it alone. I cannot interfere."
These words from your father shocked you. Never had you ever heard him say that he would leave someone alone on a mission. He was always there with you. But he didn't seem the same after your mother had passed away.
"I understand." Luke said turning to his x-wing. He climbed up the ladder and into his cockpit.
"Luke don't give in to hate! That leads to the dark side!" Your father warned Luke.
Luke gave a nod of his head and prepared for takeoff. You were hessitant as to what you should do. You looked to your father in hope that he would tell you. Which he did,"Y/n, follow after him and make sure he comes back alright." You nodded your head and smiled.
"Don't worry. We'll be fine." You tried fo reassure them. You ran to your ship and flew off after Luke.