You shook out of your thoughts and lifted your head up. You found two eyes staring at you.
"Hey Luke. How are you feeling?" You asked.
He kind of just shrugged and studied you.
"What about you?" He asked.
A little shocked at the question, you hessitated to answer.
"I-I don't know. I'm so overwhelmed and confused." You said trying not to break down in tears.
"I feel the same way." Luke said.
You smiled as a little bit of the burden seemed to lift off of your shoulders.
"So, what happened to your hand?" You asked trying to get off of the subject of your feelings.
"Oh my fa-umm, I mean Darth Vader cut it off with his lightsaber, causing me to lose my own." Luke explained.
You nodded in understanding.
"Did he do anything to you?" Luke asked. You shrugged,
"He just told me something that I had been trying to figure out for years. But the answer I got wasn't the one I wanted to hear.....or from thr person I wanted to hear it from." You said.
Luke was silent for a moment.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.
You stared deep into his azure eyes and smiled.
"As much as I would love to, I don't think now is the right time." You said.
"Okay." Luke said.
You stared into each others eyes for a moment before you slowly pulled yourself closer. Soon, you closed in the gap between the two of you as your lips met.
You pulled away and before he could say anything, you decided to leave. You walked into the cockpit and sat in one of the open chairs. The ship was still being hit by something."What is it?" You ask.
"Star destroyer." Leia answers.
Luke soon after joined the three of you in the cockpit. He looks out the window,
"It's Vader." He said.
You glanced at Luke quickly. He looked as if he were going to pass out from pain and depression. He sat down and closed his eyes,
"Ben, why didn't you tell me?" He kept asking that and it was tugging at you as to why.
Then, the ship began to get faster and went into lightspeed. You were now far away from that Star Destroyer.
Soon after, Lando attached the falcon to the rebel cruiser. You, Luke, and Leia were inside. Luke was playing with his new prosthetic hand. It looked pretty real but you knew it was fake. Him and Lando were talking over the commlink."Luke, we're ready for takeoff." Lando said.
"Good luck, Lando." Luke said back.
"When we find Jabba the Hutt and that bounty hunter, we'll contact you." Lando told Luke.
"We'll meet you at the rendezvous pointon Tatooine." Luke responded.
"Princess we'll find Han. I promise." Lando told Leia.
"Chewie, I'll be waiting for your signal." Luke said to the wookie.
He growled back.
"Take care you two. May the force be with you." Luke said and turned off the comm.
You walked over to Luke who was getting off the bed. He put his arm around your shoulder and you wrapped your arm around him. You joined Leia and the three of you watched Chewie and Lando take off toward your old home planet Tatooine.