He Killed Them Both?!

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You broke into a run following the voices and sounds you were hearing. You came out on a bridge over a shaft. You heard the cold, dark breathing of the sith lord. Shivers ran down your spine. Then, Luke's words rang out through the entire place.

"Noooooo! Nooo! Noooooo!" He screamed.

You became nervous and ran towards the sound of his voice only to find Luke falling down the shaft.

"Luke!" You screamed.

Darth Vader looked to you.

"What did you do to him?" You asked.

No response.

"Why did you kill my father?" You shouted.

This caused the sith to think.

"My father! Your mentor and friend! Obi Wan!" You screamed at him.

"He would've died anyway." The heavy voice spoke.

"Well, if he had lived it would've given me more of a chance to find out of my mother's death." You mumbled.

"Ah, he never told you what happened." Darth Vader said.

You shook your head.

"Why should you care?" You asked.

"Because, I killed your mother." He said.


These words hit you hard. Your eyes went wide and you remembered the black figure rushing back to his ship. Tears flooded your eyes.

"You monster!" You yelled.

This seemed to anger the sith lord a bit. He stretched out his hand and it seemed as though a cold hand wrapped around your neck. He pulled you closer and was about to kill you when you pulled out your lightsaber and swung at him. Immediately he dropped you and you stood up. You ran back inside and found a way down to Luke's position.
You climbed down trying to grab his hand but the doors above you closed,

"Oh great." You said to yourself.

Not long after you were stuck there, the Millenium Falcon appeared below you. Lando came up through the top and you and Luke climbed in.
Lando brought you down and Leia took Luke for some medical attention. You sat down at the table and stared at the center of it. You were jolted from your thoughts by the ship rocking. Leia came to the cockpit and you went to see Luke. You walked in and he was talking through the force to someone. You decided to wait.

"Father..." He said.

Then, he stopped and would speak again,

"Ben, why didn't you tell me?" He called out.

It was when he was lying there that you realized his hand was missing. What had happened? It must've been Vader.


That name had a new meaning for you now. He wasn't only a sith lord killing many inocent people. He was also the man who murdered both of your parents, without seeming to care.

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