Chapter 3

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Louis p.o.v

                Dammit. That was so embarrassing. I just threw up in front of my fan. Now both of us in a café, we ordered a cup of tea for me (Yvonne said it was good for me. So, yeah.) and a coke for her. She ordered French fries too. Then, we sat at the corner of the café as I was trying to stay away from other fans that definitely could recognised me just by seeing at the back of my body. How creepy..

                I sipped my tea and tried to avoid eyes contact with Yvonne. But whenever our eyes met, she would smile at me and I would look away. I was still embarrassed with that stupid roller coaster moment. How the hell she was still okay? This girl is weird. I had to admit though, he was different than the other fans I ever spent time with. The other fans just really acted weird to impress me but they don’t realised they were looked kind of stupid.

                She even never got offended with what I said or did. Geez, was she an emotionless person or something? Maybe she was an alien. Wait, what? What are talking about Louis? I remembered the handkerchief that she just gave to me just now. I cleared my voice to gain her attention.

                “Um, T-Thanks..” I said. She stopped nibbling the French fries and stared at me.

                “For what?” She asked and drank her coke.

                “For the handkerchief. Do you want it back?” I asked and sipped my tea again. She furrowed her eyebrows.

                “Err.. no thanks.. You just wiped it with your mouth. That’s disgusting.” She said and gave a ‘you disgust me’ look. I just rolled my eyes.

                “I mean after I wash it and all. Dammit, you don’t have to give it to me if you were disgust at me and not that sincere.” I muttered and crossed my arms, leaning my back at the chair. She laughed and rolled her eyes. I just glared at her.

                “It was a joke, Louis. I thought you were the one who got the biggest sense in humour in the band?” She mocked and drank her coke again. I just narrowed my eyes at her and finish up my tea.

                “Now, let’s go.” I said and ready to stand up.

                “What? I’m not done yet.” She whined. I groaned and sat back.

                “OH MY GOD! IS THAT LOUIS TOMLINSON!” While I was waiting for Yvonne to finish her drink, I heard someone shouted my name. My head immediately swing around and saw a group of girls stared at me.

                “Oh shit! Let’s go!” I said and pulled Yvonne’s wrist but she shook her head.


                “What?” I asked confusedly.

                “You can’t just run away. They are your fans.” She said sternly. I hissed at her and stood up. Well, I could just leave her alone then.

                “If you go, you need to ride the roller coaster again.” She said and smirked at me.

                “What?? But-“

                “No buts. Either you treat those fans well… Or you ride the roller coaster again.” She said and stood up too. I groaned and sat down back.

                “Okey, fine.” I mumbled. She smiled and turned around.

                “W-Where are you going?” I asked. She looked back at me. Her thumbs pointed to the washroom and then walked to it. I gulped as I heard a girl screamed my name. I slowly turned my head and forcing a stupid grinned at them. They screamed again and ran toward me, pushing each other to get nearer to me. I just hold myself not to snap at them.

                “Louis, can I have your autograph?” The blonde asked and gave me a piece of paper and a pen.

                “Yeah, sure.” I smiled and signed it immediately.

                “Can we take photo?” A dark brown hair girl asked me and jumped up and down. I hesitated nodded. She squealed and took photo with me. Okay, I don’t hate the fans, it’s just I hate crowded. It makes me suffocated. Why don’t they just line up or something. Not pushing each other like this?

                After a while, they finally leave me alone and I sighed of relieved. Then, Yvonne appeared in front of me. She just smiled at me.

                “That was not bad, huh?” She said and chuckled. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

                “That was the worst ever in my life.” I scowled at her and started walking away. She raised her eyebrows and just followed beside me.

                “What’s next?” I asked and looked at her. She just shrugged.

                “You choose. As a reward for being nice with your fans today.” She said and beamed at me. I just chuckled. I looked around and smiled as I saw the Ferris wheel.

                “Let’s ride that thing.” I said and pointed at it. I looked at her and her face was frowning.


                “Um, I… I’m scare of height…” She whispered and scratched her head. I smirked and chuckled.

                “So? It was my reward. You must ride it.” I said and crossed my arms. She bit her bottom lips and rubbed her arm. Then, she sighed and looked at me.

                “Fine.” I smiled and continue to walk to the ride. Well, she forced me to ride roller coaster, now it was my turn to revenge.

                Both of us inside the ride and you could see that Yvonne’s body was tensing. I smiled but just looked away. The ride started moving and I saw Yvonne hold the holder tighter and she did not even dare to look down. After we were on top, the ride stopped. She gasped and looked at me.

                “It’s stop! We’re gonna die here!” She said and panicked. I just hold on my laughed.

                “Relax. It stop because some people want to ride it too.” I said and rolled my eyes. She nodded and kept silent. Suddenly an evil idea came out in my mind. I started to shake my body and the big box thing we were in start followed me shaking. Yvonne started to whimper and closed her eyes.

                “Ahh.. It’s shaking..It’s shaking..” I said playfully and moving around in the ride.

                “Louis! S-Stop it!” I heard a cracked voice from her. I stopped and looked at her. My grinned disappeared as soon as I saw her face. Her eyes were red and she was trembling. Now I felt guilty.

                “Oh shit, I’m so sorry, Yvonne..” I whispered and sat beside her. She moved away from me.

                “I didn’t know you were really… that scare…” I said again. She just covered her face with her hands. Without thinking, I pulled her in my arms and her face near my chest. I rubbed her back as she sobbed.

                “You’re so mean… Stupid roller coaster coward…” She mumbled in my chest.  I just chuckled, even when she scared she still can mocked me. Interesting…  Then, the ride started to move and she held me tighter. I just let her and rubbed her back for the rest of the ride.

                After that ride, we went to other ride and it cheered her up. Well, maybe spent a month with her is kinda okay..

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