The start of a journey

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Ethan stared at his reflection in the hallway mirror,

the people at the agency of Administral Health and Well-being had told him that his appliance for a job had been declined because of his grimm expression and angry attitude. He thought at first that they was kidding with him. There was no way someone could be denied a job at an agency branch because of their face.

As for the attitude he wouldn't see himself as having a bad one, he just had a more realistic point of view on life than other people. Of course he understood that others might not share the same perspective on life, but was that really enough to make even one of the most hated branches to deny him a job?

Of course he didn't apply to one of the shittiest works in town by free will, but he felt that he had to start somewhere. Ever since his dad went missing all Ethan did was researching, trying to figure out why his dad just left the house in the middle of the day to never come back again.

So getting a job outside of the research agency that he was temporarely helping out at was not really a top priority before, all of his dads old friends and the agency had helped him and his sister since the "dissappearence" of his father as they liked to call it.

But he felt like he couldn't hide from the fact that his sister and him couldn't live on charity their entire life, and he wasn't very fond of Wallace that tried his best to take over his dads empty slot at the agency.

Ethan grinned to himself when he remembered what Ulysses had said, "Since you haven't turned eighteen yet it means i can't just hand everything over to you and say that you work for me now, but in the meantime most of your old man's research will be available for you and when you turn eighteen his place at the agency is yours."

Wall-ass wouldn't have his dads work for too long Ethan thought, he started to remember how Marron J Wallace, researcher from the New Detroit branch with a PhD in major assholery one way had just Waltzed in like he owned the place. He reluctantly asked Ayna at the west entrance for directions to Research and Exploring of Anomaly Planes

R.E.A.P. for short, anyone could see on him that he was more than uncomfortable with having to ask someone for help. Even more so from a feline. Mr Wall-ass then starting wandering around after "not getting a reasonable explanation" to why Ulysses, wich was the owner of the R.E.A.P branch. Wasn't there to meet him up.

It had took him over an hour to find his way to the right platform, and for this he was pissed, everytime Ethan thinks back to that moment when he first saw Wallace come trough the AT and with heavy steps marching straight towards Ethan. All he could think of was a running tomato. Ethan laughed silently.

Ethan stood there, smirking at his own reflection. A sudden feeling of imminent danger washed over him and snapped him out of his trance-like state, he was able to just barely turn ninety degrees before a blonde ball went past him in lethal speed. Ethan stood as petrified for a second. Then he heard a giggle, wich soon became a full-blown maniacs laughter, That damn laugh Ethan thought to himself.

A more contagious laughter couldn't exist, it didn't take long before Ethan started laughing too. His sister was both the cutest and the most dangerous person in the whole town, if not the whole province. I can't believe my eyes, you have arisen from the dead! Ethan said with feigned surprise. Ha ha, you should become a comedian instead of a REAPer she said.

Maybe that isn't such a bad idea. Ethan became serious, NO! Don't you dare! His sister yelled at him as if she was his mother rather than his little sister. He laughed at her sudden change, don't worry, i would never even dream of giving Wall-ass an excuse to ruin our dads work. Ethan sat down next to his sister, soon we'll get the test results from Operation Zeta. Maybe then you can come with me and see the gas clouds when the sun sets.

I'd like that, she said and leaned on his shoulder. Ana had always wanted to go with him on his research missions, she always said that the house just wasn't the same without him. If he didn't know better he would think she was scared of being alone. But that just couldn't be true, she was always so strong-willed and never seemed to be scared of anything. Sometimes he could be gone for several weeks, so he had promised that he would take her with him next time he was going to a safe plane. Little did he know that this was merely the beginning.

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