Chapter seven

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(Dan's pov)
He was late. I knew he was he actually wanted to hang out with me. Ugh I feel so stupid. I was about to walk inside when I saw his car pull in the driveway. He opened the door
"Sorry, traffic."
I laughed a little "It's okay. For a minute I thought you stood me up."
"I swear on my mums life that I will never EVER stand you up, EVER."
"You pinky promise?" I asked holding out my pinkie.
He walked up to where I was standing and interlocked his pinky with mine.
"Pinky promise." He smiled "Anyway we should probably get going."
I let myself in the passenger door and turned to see Phil staring at me. I blushed a little and tried to cover it up.
"Where are you taking me anyway?" I asked after about 15 minutes of driving.
"You'll see."
"Well how much longer till we get there?"
"Not much."
After about five more minutes we arrived at....
"Starbucks? Really?"
"What, this isn't just any Starbucks, This the THE BEST Starbucks and plus a ton of my friends work here."
I was kinda scared when he said his friends worked here. Naturally I thought of guys and girls with tattoos and piercings that spit in your drink before they hand it to you but to my surprise when I waked in I was greeted by a really pretty girl with blonde hair and pink tips.
"Hello Phil." She said cheerfully.
"Hey Louise." He gave her a warm smile. "This is Dan."
"Ooh Dan," she said "I mean, uh, Hello Dan nice to meet you." She smiled as she held out her hand. I took it and she gave a surprisingly good handshake.
"Let me take you two to your booth." She lead us to a corner booth in the back.
"I didn't know they had waiters at Starbucks?" I whispered.
"This isn't just any Starbucks, This is a rich kid Starbucks. It's more like a Starbucks restaurant /cafe thing but I get most things cheap here cause of my dad and the fact that I know every staff member."
"Do you boys know what you want?"
"Ummm I'll take a toffee and almond hot chocolate."
Phil gave me a strange look.
"What, it's cold."
"Whatever, I'll take a pumpkin spice latte."
Now it was my turn to give Phil a judgmental look.
"What?" He laughed.
"Ok I'll get you boys your drinks." Louise winked at Phil before she left. I could say I felt a bit jealous. I had to remind myself that this wasn't a date and that Phil was straight.

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