Chapter three

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Ella's POV:
“Its amazing” I exclaimed. I was in awe at the whole scee, I felt as if I was in a movie.

“It truely is amazing isn't it, I still can't believe it every time I see it”.

We wandered down the street and we went into the wand shop, there was a couple and their son in front of us getting served.

The couple were really cute together. The woman had long ginger hair and bright blue eyes, her husband was tall with dark hair and round glasses. I noticed he had an interesting scar above his eye which remained me of lightning. I looked at his son and I noticed he had dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and a cute round face. He was really adorable.

After a few moments I realised I was staring at him and I looked away quickly.

His father turned around to Steven “Steven its been an age since I saw you last”. “ Yeah Harry I haven't seen you since.. Well..  You know”. “And who's this” Harry asked. “Oh this is my niece, She received her letter this morning”.

“Oh so she'll be in the same year as my Albus at school, he just got his wand and we must go get his robes now. Will I be seeing you at platform 9¾  in September?”.

“Yes definitely” Steven smiled as the family walked out the door. Albus looked at me and gave me a smile as he walked away with his parents.

I went to the counter and there was an old man there. He gave me a smile and nodded. “I think I know the perfect wand for you” he grinned. He lifted a dusty box off the shelf and opened it up and looked at the wand “Oak wand, 11 inches, Phoenix feather core. Try it” he put it into my hand and a warm glow surrounded me as I held it.

“Outstanding” he said “I usually never get it right the first time. I smiled and looked at the wand. It was perfect.

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