A Fucking Trolley

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- Friday -

"Hey Dean," Castiel tried to suppress a grin. He ran down to the fruit aisles with Dean trailing behind, pushing a trolley for their weekly grocery trip. "Have you started watching Orange is the New Black(-berry) yet?" He smirked, holding up an orange in one hand and a bag of the berries in his other.

Dean rolled his eyes, leaving the trolley with Cas as he wandered over to the vegetables.

"No, but I've heard they live in prison cell(-ery)s." He joked, pointing at the stack of celery. Castiel laughed, rolling their trolley over to where Dean stood. He began to inspect the lettuces for the freshest one, reminding him of when he first met Dean. It was nearly three years ago now, and he still remembered the first time Dean smirked at him, god the feelings that smile could give him. To be fair the effect his smirk had on Cas hadn't disappeared in those almost-three-years either. Castiel lifted a lettuce head to put in their trolley, but Dean stopped him, grabbing his arm.

"Wait." He whispered, making him put it back. Castiel raised an eyebrow as if to say 'what are you doing?', but Dean didn't answer his unspoken question. Instead he spun their trolley around and headed for a different section of the supermarket.

"Where are we going?" Castiel whispered back. He'd felt the urge to keep a hushed tone; as if they were sneaking around. As much as you can in a public supermarket, that is.

"Okay, get in." Dean suddenly stopped leading them through the aisles. No one seemed to be at this end of the store, which was probably Dean's whole idea.

"What?!" Castiel laughed a little. "In the trolley?" They hadn't filled it up yet, so he wouldn't squash anything, but he was still hesitant to the plan.

"No in the rocket ship, -yes in the trolley, Cas." He smiled, his eyes urging him to hurry up before staff were to find them.

"I don't kno-"

He was cut off by Dean lifting a leg and jumping in the trolley himself. "I'll do it then. C'mon, it'll be fun." He assured Cas. "Push!"

He couldn't help it. Castiel gripped the handles and began pushing his boyfriend around the supermarket in a trolley. A fucking trolley. They were acting like children, but that was the fun of it. Dean could make any old outing into an adventure.

If someone were to have done this in Castiel's old corner store he would have had a fit. He prayed that no member of staff would have to deal with their ridiculous bullshit. They dodged shelves and skidded around corners, backing up if they began to hear the sound of footsteps. By the end of it they were both walking around trying not to let out their fits of giggles. The other customers probably thought they were mad.

Dean was biting his lip to suppress his laughter when a stranger raised an eyebrow at him, causing him to let it all out. He had to lean against their trolley for support while he cracked up, almost setting Castiel off too. He pushed into another aisle, away from the stranger so he could get himself under control.

"I think we should start shopping now." Dean breathed out.

- - -

Their trolley was almost full when it was time to buy it all. Dean had stocked it with crap foods while Castiel remained the responsible one in their relationship, getting the necessary foods to actually survive. They were about to line up and pay when Dean handed the trolley over to Castiel.

"I forgot the milk, hang on." He turned on his heel, but Castiel stopped him.

"I saw a carton in the fridge this morning, you're fine."

Dean bit his lip, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand. "Yeah, I drank it from the carton before we left." He admitted. Castiel raised an eyebrow.

"And you left it in the fridge?" He questioned, crossing his arms against his chest. Dean struggled to come up with an excuse before he defeatedly nodded. Cas huffed, a bit irritated. Had he not gone over this issue at least twice this month? The answer was yes. Yes he had.

"Go get it then." He shooed him away angrily, beginning to join the end of a line. Dean took the trolley off of Cas and put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"How about you get it and on the way back you can choose a treat for yourself. Hmm? Would that be okay?"

Castiel shrugged off his hand, but went to get the milk anyway. On the way back something caught his eye and he knew he had to claim it as his treat. When he placed it in the trolley Dean apologised for being ignorant and always forgetting the simple things. He kissed Castiel's temple, running a hand through his boyfriend's hair to mess it up; though to be fair to was already pretty messy.

Castiel smiled in return, his eyes fixed on the box of pie in the trolley.

You're Cute (but kind of an asshole) [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now