Chapter 2

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              Jean blinked his tired eyes open, normally on a Saturday people would sit at home and relax, not Jean. Jean worked at the coffee shop on Saturdays. The morning air was crisp, light flecks of crystals fell to the barren ground, the first snow. He hobbled in the gloomy weather to get to the small shop. Large clouds began to loom over like shadows, there were definitely going to be storms.

             Jean went to the counter and began to open up the shop. It was rather busy, even some friends dropped by to ask him about his ankle. Sasha shared her chips, and Connie joked around. Armin had made a card, and it was signed by Mikasa and Eren as well. Jean felt warm with all the kindness, but there was one face he was missing, his best friend's, Marco's face. Soon the shop became empty again, and with the storm brewing his boss said to close up. Jean immediately dragged himself over to Marco's house. He frantically knocked on the door. "Marco, it's me, Jean, are you there?" Jean asked several times.

            Jean's prayers were answered when someone finally opened the door. Marco. "Jean, come in, but be quiet." Marco said in a hushed voice. Marco's voice had a hint of sadness, like something had happened. Marco grabbed Jean's wrist and lead the smaller teen to his own bedroom. "Jean, my mom has gotten very sick, and it is only getting worse. She has something like the flu." Marco stuttered, his face turning red, he looked almost as if he was about to cry, then he brightened again.

           "I'm glad you're here Jean, you don't know how much this means to me, she's all I got left." The freckled teen said sadly. Part of Jean was happy, but the other half was bitter. Marco had Jean, right? Jean patted Marco on the back gently. "It's no problem, I was just worried about you, you never said hi to me." Jean said softly. Marco laughed a bit. "Yeah that's true, hi." Marco said. Jean laughed a little. Seeing Marco happier made Jean happier.

            "Hey Marco, I think we are going to get snowed in, you don't mind if I stay here tonight, do you?" Jean questioned. "Nah, you can stay, it will be absolutely fine." Marco said with one of his smiles. Jean had been correct, it began to snow heavily, the snow flew down so fast it looked similar to rain. "Jean, don't go over there, the painting is there, and I want it to be a surprise." Marco stated. Jean smiled. "Sure thing Bodt." Jean joked. Marco laughed then threw a pillow at Jean.

            Jean pretended to scowl at Marco, then he threw the pillow back. Marco laughed, and he was going to throw the pillow again, but he heard a hoarse cough come from another room. He turned pale, then retreated to the other room. Jean sat silently on Marco's bed, waiting for him to return. Marco returned, and he sat next to Jean.

            "She's getting worse Jean, I-I...  I don't know what to do I-" Marco began to cry softly. Jean reached for Marco's hand, and he held it with both of his. Marco buried his face in Jean's chest and continued to sob. Jean though nothing of it, he was just helping his friend feel better, but something tingled, it felt good, he just assumed it was because he felt useful. Soon Marco calmed down. "Sorry Jean, it's just really hard." Marco said. "It's fine Marco, don't worry." Jean said.

            Soon the two teens bundled up for the night, Jean on the floor, and Marco on his bed. Snores filled the dark room, and shadows danced on the walls. The snores were Marco's, Jean just stared straight at the ceiling. He tried, but he couldn't sleep whatsoever. Jean's gaze drifted, and it landed on Marco. Sparks began to fill his mind, he felt happier just by looking at Marco. Jean looked back at the ceiling, but he couldn't keep his gaze steady, so he just watched Marco.

           Marco's stomach steadily rose and fell on each breath, his mouth agape in peacefulness, it was calming. Then another noise was heard, more coughing, Marco's eyes shot open, and he stared back into Jean. For a while nothing happened, then Marco stood up and walked to the other room. Jean was able to hear quiet pleas made by Marco. "Take the medicine, you must, or you won't feel better." He begged, then silence. Jean heard footsteps coming back to the room. Marco returned with a tired expression, you would think he was a different person than the person just sleeping calmly.

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