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Rhythm dragged me out to this club tonight and trust me I'm dreading every minute of getting ready. Besides the whole Skylar situation I'm over it. I'm over guys, it is time for me to do what makes me happy and not someone else. 

''Come on girly it's time to hit these streets.'' Rhythm clapped and danced a little.

''The only thing that's gonna be in these streets is your hair if you ever drag me to another club,'' I rolled my eyes and locked my house door.

She waved me off and walked her self to my car. Getting into my BMW I drove off full speed heading to hell itself.


'Work' by Rihanna played as me and Rhy twirled our hips while holding our drinks. Smiling and laughing was something I couldn't stop doing tonight.

''You having fun baby girl?'' Rhy said while bumping my shoulder in a joking  manner.

I nodded and watched the DJ do his thing on the turn tables. He quickly scanned the crowd and his pretty brown eyes landed on me.

I blushed and put my head down. I walked away from the large crowd and sat in VIP Rhy was able to get us in. 

''Girl I think the DJ has a thing for you. He basically sent me over here to so y'all could talk'' she said in one breath. Shaking my head no I sipped my drink.

''No Rhy you know what I just dealt with, with Skylar and I don't want to get into anything with another dude right now.'' I said while staring at the sexy DJ. She sucked her teeth. ''At least give him a chance damn Bliss not every guy has to be like Skylar, shit they probably better.'' she threw shade.

I fake mocked her and rolled my eyes. ''Fine, but if he's an asshole you have to buy me my own bottles.''

''Deal and if you like him you owe me some bundles for threatening my hair like you ain't know my shit expensive.'' She said while putting her hand out.

Shaking her hand I got up and started to walk towards the DJ area.

Noticing the guy was in his zone I tapped his shoulder lightly. He removed his headphones and turned my way. The sexy DJ licked his plump lips before smiling.

A  girl panties was slithering off each second he consumed his eyes all over my body. ''Hey beautiful.''

''Hey...'' I trailed off not knowing what to say next. I mean damn it's been a long time since I've been interested in another guy besides Skylar and Bryan.

The sexy guy chuckled a deep laugh. Damn I'm officially melted on this damn floor.

''I'm Amir what's your name beautiful?'' He asked me.

''Bliss nice to meet you.'' I went to shake his hand instead he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

Blushing hella hard I looked away and notice Rhythm giving me a thumbs up and started to flip her hair.

Looking away from her I focused my attention on Amir.........Amir I like that.

Amir I like that

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( Amir in M/M)


Amir and I sat down and talked until the closing of the club. I learned so much about him in the matter of hours. He just got out of a 3 year relationship from his college love, he's 23 like me, owns part of the club, and has a dog named Cleo.

I had to be honest about my feelings and the emotional place I was in. He agreed that if we were to further our situation it will be made with small, but  very comfortable steps. Which was fine with me.

''Lets get you home, I already got you up late.'' He said while taking standing up and pushing the chair in.

''Yeah I can already tell I'm sleeping in today.'' I laughed.

He walked me to his car opened the door for me and closed it once I sat in the seat.

Once he got in as well he buckled up and he drove off.


''Thanks for tonight I really had a good time.'' I said while smiling.

''I'm glad you did beautiful.'' He said then out of nowhere he kissed my cheek.

Now some may say 'what a grown ass man kissing a grown ass female on the cheek' well honestly it was refreshing not getting kissed on the lips right away. He didn't force me to kiss him or even get me to talk it all came naturally.

Getting out of the car I walked to my front door and looked back to see him wave his hand and drive off as I opened the door with my keys.

Walking inside I see Rhythm standing right in the living room in her pajamas.

''Well?!'' She shouted with a smile on her face.

''Brazilian or Malaysian?'' I asked.

 She cheered and bounced around as she walked up the stairs.

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