Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating it so soon... :) hope u forgive me? -.- haha! Anw here's the chapter for u! :) sorry if it's gonna be short... Cus it's 5:45am in singapore here...

I brought him to the toilet and washed his legs. After that I massaged his legs he was blushing madly and trying to pull away. I hold on to his feet tightly so he wouldn't budge. After that I washed my hand thoroughly and then went to cook some ramen. While I was waiting for the water to boil, I stood there and stared at it not knowing what to do. Until, I felt a pair of hands sliding to my waist. I turned around and then, realized that luhan's face was too close to mine. But he quickly cupped my cheeks and kissed me. After that, I started cooking. After that, we ate and then talked a while. " why do you like me?" Luhan asked. I chuckled at his question and answered, " why do you want to know?" I said. He leaned real close to me and said" if you don't tell me I am going to kiss you..." He said. I gently pushed his chest and then said" fine fine.. Erm... Because you are too attractive!" I said. Luhan pinched my cheeks and then leaned real close. " I already told you the reason, why are you still kissing me?" I said frowning. "That won't make me stop kissing you..." He said. Then finally, we kissed. My arms was on his neck and his was on my waist. I played with his hair and he rubbed my back. After we broke our kiss, I pinched his cheeks" why are you so attractive?" I teased him. He shrugged his shoulders and then hugged me. I hugged him back. I drank a cup of water and then went to my bed. Luhan saw me and almost pounced on me. I opened my eyes "nope today you are sleeping on your bed..." I said. "Fine" then he lied on his bed. But the next morning I woke up and saw his chest infront of my face. I was literally hugging him. I looked up and then smiled. I went to the toilet to bathe and have my normal routine.

After he woke up, I asked him" why are you on my bed while I was sleeping?" I asked crossing my arms and pouting. He gently tapped on my lips and smiled. " I know you liked it" he said. I just gave him the true-though face. After he brushed his teeth, we decided to go to jcube(in singapore) and went ice skating. We ice skated for 3 hours and we were already tired. After that we had our lunch and then we went shopping. I went to shop for clothes and some other house hold needs. After that I went back home with my arms full with things. Luhan carried the heavy ones while I carry the lighter ones. When we reached home it was like already 10 pm... So we slept early because tomorrow there is school.

After school, the both of us went to work.(you know? At the start of the story they had a job...) we started work at 3pm and then we ended our work at 12 am. We were feeling super tired so I went back home and then immediately slept. The next morning I woke up early just to bathe and go school. In school, there was a bunch of bullies and they came up to me and pulled me hair and pushed me. I stood up and slapped their faces and ran away. Ofcourse they will be chasing after me, but I accidentally banged into some one infront of me. It was Kai. Luckily it was him. I briefly told him what happened and then he fought with the bullies. The bullies ran away as they have lost. But before they all leave one of them pushed me and my nose hit the wall and it started bleeding so badly. Kai was shocked. " are you okay? Do you need to go to the general office?" Kai offered. I shook my head and told him that I was going to go to the toilet. He waited outside for me and when I exited the toilet, luhan threw me a hug. " are you okay? I am sorry that I wasn't there to protect you..." He said lowering his head. " it's ok! Don't worry so much..." I flashed him a bright smile. I gave Kai a hug and then intertwined my fingers with luhan's.

After school, we went to work as per normal and jihyo, Kai, chanyeol and Sehun followed us. They even got their job there. So every now and then we will always go work together. Well it's Tuesday, so I have nothing to do but sleep, eat and "study". I copied my friend's work again but I didn't know why I could do so well in my studies. So I thought to myself. Maybe I was born with it? All of us went to our hse to sleep because we were all too tired. We took out some extra mattress and then let them sleep while I slept with jihyo. The next day, we all woke up and then bathe and changed our clothes. We went to school.

In school, there were several luhan's fans talking bad about me. I was a bit hurt when I heard one girl calling me a slut. But, luhan scolded them and they immediately walked away. Then, while the others was gone, Sehun suddenly grabbed my wrist and then pulled me in for a kiss. I was so shocked that I tried to push him away. But, he was too strong and luhan caught us this time. Luhan's hand turned into a fist and he glared at the both of us and then stomped away. I quickly pushed Sehun away and then ran after him. But to no avail. He didn't come to class either. After school, all of us went to find luhan but he was no where to be found even at home. The others went home because of their parents. While I continued searching for luhan. It was pass midnight and I was still out walking frantically around finding for luhan. Suddenly a drunk man pushed me to the floor. There were broken glass on the floor and it cut my arm. The drunk man tried to kiss me. I immediately pushed him away and kick his stomach and slapped him. I ran away as fast as I could. I was finally done running and then, I say on the bench not knowing what to do. I called jihyo. " jihyo-ah...." I said while sobbing. " why? What happened? Where are you now? I will come over." I told her where I was and she came over almost immediately. She saw that my arm was bleeding, she rushed me to a clinic to treat my wound. I couldn't walk fast because I have sprained my ankle too. So she decided to send me to the hospital. The doctor treated my wound and told me that I could be discharged anytime. Jihyo looked at me with worried eyes. I smiled weakly at her and then took out my phone. No texts or calls from luhan. I quietly sobbed and jihyo came beside me and comforted me. "It's ok... I know you are stress right now... Soon luhan will call you ok? I will text him saying that you were injured while finding for him..." Jihyo said and flashed me a warm smile. "No... Don't... I don't think he would even care..." I managed to speak up. She nodded her head. I told the doctor that I want to go home now. The doctor approved to my decision and let me go. Jihyo accompanied me home and she slept over.

The next day, I went to school as per normal but with the help of jihyo. I went to school with some difficulties. when I was reaching the school gate, some one hugged me from behind. I was so shocked. I blinked a few times and then turned back. I was happy to see luhan I threw him a hug and smiled. A tear escaped my eye. Luhan pry open my arms and looked at me with teary eyes" why are you being so nice to me when I treated you like that..." He said. I pinched my nose lightly as he was reeking of alcohol. I looked at him and turned away, sobbing. Jihyo patted my back. Luhan cupped my cheeks and looked at me. I looked at him but with a blurry vision. " I am I didn't love you anymore........" I managed to speak up. He kissed me on my lips and I kissed him back. Sehun appeared out of no where and then he apologized to luhan. Luhan glared at him. " Don't blame him luhan-ah..... He didn't do that to just to make me cheat on you...." I said. He looked at me. " jiyeon-ah... If you like him more than you like me.. You can go with him... " luhan said. "No... I like him but I love you... I want to be with you..." I said giving a peck on his lips. I was still crying and jihyo and Sehun just went into the school. Luhan grabbed my wrist and gave a me a long passionate kiss. He walked me into class as my leg was still sprained. "Jihyo told me everything..." Luhan said while we were on the way to class. I looked at him.

End of chapter 7! :) stay tuned! :)

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