Chapter 16: Jealousy is a Bitter Drink

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"Mona, youfucking up bruh! For real! Damn!" Jojo said highly irritated. Ishook my fucking head. Every since I let her meet Ava, her ass beentripping. Damn if I knew this was gonna happen, I would've kept Avaas my secret.

"What areyou even talking about?" I said.

"You knowwhat the fuck I'm talking about. I met Ava, she is awesome! Why thefuck are you cheating on her? Or better yet why are you keeping heraround just to dog her out! I don't get it." Jojo said loudly.

I rolled myeyes, here we fucking go.

"Man Jojochill the fuck out. You met her one goddamn time, and don't knowshit." I said.

"Yeah I do. I know that you ain't shit!" Jojo said.

"Jojo whyare doing this? Like I dog females out all the time. You don't neversay shit." I said.

"Why thefuck you lying? I always be telling you to chill out. All the time. And I'm hyped about this, cause that girl fucking love you. Do youeven know what that mean Mona? Do you?" Jojo said.

"Bruh! Shedon't love me. We just dating like. She ain't said that." I said.

"She ain'tgotta say it Ramona! I can tell by the way she look at you. The wayshe talk about you, how she light up when she around you. Like thewhole night we was out, you could tell. And you just like ignoreit. And I know when you went and took that phone call, that was nofucking Javon. Probably yo hos." Jojo said.

I smiled inspite of myself, she was right. It was Chantel fine ass, we met upthe day after that damn date. And yep we fucked all day just about. We tore it up. Damn, Jojo right, I ain't shit.

"Jojo itain't even like that." I said lying like hell.

"Look Mona,on a serious tip, if you fuck this up wit Ava, you're gonna hurt herreal bad, and I'm not even sure how she'll retaliate. So you betterbe careful, real careful. That girl probably giving you her all, andyou don't even know it. All I know is, people like Ava, don't taketoo well to being hurt by people they trust. And that's I'm saying. Fuck it, it's on you now." Jojo said rolling her eyes.

"Man I gotthis. I been having this. It's gonna be alright, just watch." Isaid.

"You saythat now, but we'll see." Jojo said.

"Yowhatever. Look I gotta bounce. I got shit to do today. I check youlater." I said standing up from the couch.

"Peace."Jojo said a I left out the house. I jumped in my truck and sped off. Jojo always talking shit, like she know what the fuck she talkingabout. Damn. I wish the whole world would just chill the fuck out.

I fucking gotthis. I went home and rolled me up a blunt. I don't need thisstress. The truth is, I don't want to hurt Ava, but I don't wantto change either. Jojo said maybe I should just let her go, but Ireally do like her. She's so sweet to me, I don't know about allthat love shit Jojo was talking about but I feel something for her. Maybe I should just cut her loose, Jojo's right all I'll do is hurther. But Ava is good to me, I enjoy being around her. I don'twanna change my ways, and I don't wanna let her go. So what'swrong with staying where the fuck I am I inhaled myblunt deeply, then exhaled as a cloud of smoke trailed from mymouth. I don't need this shit.

I shook myhead let's face it. I'm a fucking ho. This is me, this is who I am. A fucking whore. It never bothered me till now. I'm almost thirtystill running the same game I been running for years. I'm just toointo what I do. I would change if I could, but truth is I can't.Then again, maybe I can. Maybe I'm just afraid. Afraid to seemyself without all these damn hos, without all the partying, thedrinking, the smoking. Maybe I'm just afraid as to who is thishiding behind all this filth, who's hiding in shadows of thedrinking, the smoking, the partying, the sleeping around? Who is she?Is this what she truly wants? Is it too late to save her, to preservewhat's left of her? Or is there anything left at all. Is thereanything worth finding, behind all of this filth?

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