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Key's POV

I went to sit next to who I assume is a girl, Nagisa. 

"Hi! Nagisa-chan!" I said. "Uh by any chance I heard of this boy who has like a crazy bloodlust, do you know who that is? I wanna know if it could compete with (Y/N)'s" 

"Uh, that's me," Nagisa replied

"Wait! You're a dude!"

"Hehe, yeah you aren't the first one..."

"I'm so sorry! N-Nagisa-sama" I stuttered

"It's okay, really!"

"So, are you really as good as an assassin as they say you are?"

"Maybe... but I could never pull off what you three did today! That's the most damage Korosensei has ever taken from students!"

"Oh, we've been planning it, also we three are one of the closest gangs...er I mean friends you could ever imagine!"

"What do you mean by 'gangs'?"

"I-I meant Freinds, yeah...friends," I said quickly wishing I could take back what I said.

"Oh, okay!"

Then the bluenette turned around to face the board. He had beautiful blue eyes and soft skin he was really cute... -What's this feeling? I've always made others fall for me...am I falling for him? out of all people?-   I kept pondering to myself about what I felt toward the feminine boy.

Jericho's POV

 I studied the boy's body shape, he had very strong arms, that signifies that he does some type of throwing sport. Other than that, he looked normal. As I looked up at his face I saw that Sugino was blushing.

"Oh, sorry! I just noticed that you had really strong arms, do you play baseball or something?" I asked hoping to take the awkwardness down a notch.

"Oh, yeah! I play baseball, I'm a pitcher! I have a pretty good fastball, but my change-up is really something to see!" He stated.

Sugino hid his face in his hands, I heard say something under his breath to himself about first impressions or something. 

"Sugino! Stop blushing at Jericho, and pay attention to the lesson!" Korosensei yelled across the room.

"Y-yes, s-sir." He muttered.

"Okay, class! It's Lunch now, I will be going to Indonesia for some yellow rice, Good Bye!" Korosensei gloated as he sped out of the door.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was really tired, so I pulled a chair up to Jericho's desk as decided to take a nap.

The I started hearing that voice...

"Come with me... Be with your ototo" he said

(Ototo means Little brother BTW)

"Be with your family...We can finish eating that ice cream that we never ate, that one night."

*Tap...shake*  "(Y/N)! Wake up!"

You opened your eyes to see that you were in Key's lap and Jericho shaking you. You saw that the chair you sat in had been kicked away from you. Also, Key's beloved sweatshirt you were resting you head on in her lap was wet with tears. 

"Huh... Key, Jericho what happened?"

"After at the most five minutes of you being asleep, you started things like, 'Get away from me' or 'I'm not ready to die' and you said 'No' a lot too, Were you having one of those dreams about him again? " Jericho explained.

"Yeah, I just can't see to forget, what happened that night. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have trusted that man. And before you knew it we were drugged... and I think you two know the rest..." You replied.

"I'm really sorry, (Y/N). But we all have our own past and you need to get over yours . We both haven't fully gotten over our's but it's gotten better, and your's can too, " Key reassured.

"Yeah, I know. I'm trying." You said finally.


Yeah, it's like 11:40 pm rn, and I have to go to church in the morning, so that's all for today! Thanks for reading!💕◑﹏◐ 

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