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Karma's POV

"HA HA HA!!!" the laughing kept getting louder

That must be (Y/N). But the last time I checked, (Y/N) wasn't insane.  She crept out of the shadows, as Jericho's attacks got stronger and Key's mind games got more puzzling. (Y/N) was practically high on bloodlust, no not only bloodlust but also insanity! She looked crazy, her eyes were wide open and her eyes were clouded with bloodlust and her pupils are shrunk with insanity. 

"Oh, shoot. She hasn't gotten this high on bloodlust, since when her brother got murdered in front of her eyes. This isn't good." Key stated as she looked over at Jericho. They both nodded and stopped their attacks on me. As (Y/N) laughed like a madman, Jericho waltzed up to her and stopping in front of her face. -What is she waiting for?- then Key comes out of nowhere and flicks (Y/N)'s forehead. All of a sudden, (Y/N) fell to the ground and was laying there still.

"Did you guys just kill your leader?" I asked in shock.

"First of all, we don't have a leader..." Key grunted

"Secondly, she just passed out, we can explain it to you, while we walk home. You're welcome to  stay the night," Jericho added.

"Uhm, okay?" I said.


We entered the house, and Key set (Y/N) down on the couch, holding (Y/N)'s head on her lap. 

"So, does this happen a lot?" I asked

"Yeah, but no so severely" Key answered while still looking down at (Y/N).

"Can explain to me what that was all about, though?" I was curious.

"After what happened to (Y/N)'s Ototo, she developed a crazy bloodlust, that can lead her to become psychotic," Jericho answered.

"So, are you all psychotic, too?" I interrupted.

"Somewhat." Key replied.

"Eh hem,  anyways. She can get really high on her bloodlust that it can drive her to insanity. Key and I are the only people we know of that can knock her out of her state, or else she would be a killing machine. She usually wakes up a couple minutes after we knock her out, but she must've gotten a big bloodlust in the alleyway. So, she won't be waking up for at least another hour. " Jericho finished.

"So, what happened to her brother?" I asked.

"I think (Y/N) wouldn't like it if we told you that. She gets really emotional about it, but I wouldn't blame her," Key stated.

"Can I at least ask you guys about how you guys go psychotic?" I asked, at least wanting some type of story.

"Uh, I don't really like sharing mine, How about you Jericho?" Key answered.

"Uh, sure. I don't mind, I have you guys now. So, my past rarely haunts me. All I have to say is that I can never be alone." Jericho said.

"Well, so much for details," I scoffed.

"Yeah, well we just met you. So, we aren't gonna go telling you our life stories.  We don't even know if we can trust you." Key retaliated.

"So, anyways. What do you guys want for dinner? I think (Y/N) will be fine with whatever food is left, so we don't have to worry about her." Jericho asked, changing the topic.

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