Rescue Mission

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(Y/N)'s POV

"We need to make it to the door at the back, you go in front and I'll cover you back!" Karma nods and we trudge through the sea of men.

We make it about five feet until I see a fist flying at my face. Grabbing his forearm and twisting it forward and to the ground, sending the man face first on the ground. Next, another man with a knife lunges at me. With the taser that I keep on my left thigh, I grab it. Turning it on, and shock him in the neck. Ow. Convulsing on the ground from the electricity, like a tripping hazard, about five men trip and fall on top of the poor guy. Oh well. 

"Good job, " Karma looks back at me and smiles.

"Watch out!" I see a kick flying at his face and I counteract his kick with one of my own. The man falls backward and I rub the spot on my leg where it made contact the guy's kick. "That's going to leave a bruise" I mutter and Block another attack aimed at Karma's precious face. "Pay attention!" I snap at him and he turns around and starts defending himself.

 All the while, we advance forward. Were's about ten yards away from the door when a gunshot sounds and I hear Karma yell, "duck!" I comply and see a bullet whizz by and barely skim my face, hitting an already cracked column. Another shot fires and I push Karma to the concrete floor along with myself, the bullet flying over our heads. I take out my m1911 pistol from my jacket and fire in the direction of the gunshots. I shoot a couple of times before I see someone fall in the back and the sound of a pistol dropping to the ground. Sucess. 

Suddenly, the window near the back shatters, two figures enter through the broken glass. A machine gun sounds as men fall to the ground. Guessing this was Key's doing, Karma yells, "Don't kill them, Key, even though it may seem fun, jail is no Happyland."

I see the top of two blue pigtails and hear the sound of clapping and a big man falls to the ground. Realizing that it's Nagisa, I say, "Nagisa, leave the men to us, go to the back door and get Jericho," thinking this is a smart call because Nagisa is most helpful on a one on one fight, being psychological attacker than a physical one. He nods and sprints to the back, Key blasting any man that dared to come near him.

As Nagisa gets Jericho, Key, Karma and I start taking out the remaining twenty men. 

Before I'm able to attack, there's a smoke bomb thrown into the group of men, blinding them. Sugino come to my side yelling, "shoot!" We do just that. As they try to clear the air, we shoot into the cloud of smoke. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital, Key?" I yell at Key.

She couldn't hear me over the gunfire and yells back, "What?" I wave my hand, signaling that I'll tell her later. She shrugs and goes back to wasting her bullets. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I see Jericho. "Lower your guns," she and I yell.

 Key and I lower our guns and Karma says, "you guy's have gotta let me in on your little weapon stash!"

"Yeah, like Key's gonna let you use her precious Lewis M1914, and I'll totally let you touch my ammo," sarcasm dripping from my every word. 

Karma sighs in disappointment and shrugs, "at least I tried." 

"Why did you want us to put our guns down?" Key asks me and I motion to Jericho.

"I want to do something and not be completely helpless," she says, and we wait for the smoke to clear and see one man left standing. I guess he must've used the limp bodies as a shield. Jericho waltzes up to him and he looks down at her in confusion. Jericho simply just looks up at him with her glowing magenta eyes, and delivers a packed uppercut to his jaw and probably broke it.  He falls and Jericho steps away dusting off her hands saying, "Shall we go?"


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! It's my first ever fight scene, and I'm quite proud if I do say so myself. I really look forward to writing more chapters like this one and more fight scene so we can see how compatible you and Karma are in a battle. YAY!!! I will update very soon!

               -  Author - chan

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